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[Fishing] What Do You Do with Your Fish?


Stratics Veteran
I'm on the Siege shard, and due to the fact that I want to run a Fishing/TH hybrid, I don't have room on my template for Cooking. So, I'm wondering what fishermen do with their fish? I know on a production shard, I could sell them to NPCs, but that's not an option on Siege. Will I just have to throw them in the trash barrel and try to sell the rares to other fishermen doing the Professional Fisher Quests?

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not save them up, and when you got a little group of them - you can do the quest yourself :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just have 3 bags at my house. One for shore fish, one for deep water and another for dungeon fish. I just stockpile them in just in case I ever decide to do the fishing quests again. Until they get some attention from the dev's I've not bothered with the fisher quests as they are so boring! I also have one bag for crabs and lobsters but this is pretty empty as I really hate fishing for these!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have around 1k of each deep sea fish lying around. What I catch up further of those gets cut up to fish steaks for weight reduction. I suppose you can turn in those fishsteaks at the brit lib on Siege as well.