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What do yall sell plants for? (if you do)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I run a vendor, and sell my plants for 2k each, cause It seems like a reasonable price for all the potions and time involved, but I keep finding people selling plants for like 500 gold and I wonder why bother? :|

How bout you? What do you charge?


I sell most of my plants for 200gp on my vendor in Luna. Rarer ones
for 500gp. I just love to grow the plants so really not looking to
profit from them. And they still do not sell really even at those prices.Which is a shame as I have about 400 more growing :):). We seriously
need seed storage.

Flora Green

Legacy plants: Plain 500gp (recently dropped from 700), colored 200gp
Black 5k, White 10k, Quest 1k
New plants: All 2500gp except flowering cactus and sugar canes 1k

Some people on my shard charge much more, but I have a steady clientele with plenty of requests. I'd love to up the prices a bit (nothing drastic), but on Origin it's not practical.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just like to grow plants and have them available to me if I need a certain type or color, and vendors are the easiest way to store em. I do like running vendors too. Basically I do not make a profit off of plants. I do a little of black/white/resources/hedges, but that's it.

I sell plain legacy for 250, colored legacy for 500, white up to 20k, aqua pink etc 1-3k, I just dropped my "new" plants vendor down so everything except hedges is 1k, and hedges are 5k. I also sell resources, vines, xmas plants, depleted poppy seed identifiers, and bonsai.

I am growing the black and white new plants, not sure what I will price those at. I figure white hedges will sell for a lot, but then again that is the kind of thing I would probably store since I might need them for deco one day. ;)

You'd do well to supplement your plant income running the naturalist quest. It's very quick, only costs a green thorn, and you could make a bundle off of selling the new black/white plants. You can still get the old varieties in blaze (yawn), and those will sell ok sometimes. ;)

Flora Green

Expanding on Sarsmi's post, I also sell bonsai, vines, resources, etc. In addition to the plant and resource vendors, I also have a shop rune vendor I throw recalls on which, of course, sell steadily, and a garden deco vendor that sells vases, stoneware, corrupted trees and such.

Also, I have a "special" vendor who sells things seasonally. It's an opportunity to make a little extra gold without straying from being an exclusive plant shop. For example, I toss appropriate colored plants on her at Halloween, Christmas and so on. I sold a bunch of stuffies and roses in vases for Valentine's Day. Since there are no big holidays upcoming for awhile, I'll probably place extra rubble plants or tainted mushrooms on her. Good sellers and help keep the shop going.

Stupid Miner

Wish some of you guys (more girls i suppose) were on LS... we have 2 reliable plant vendors. One is great, sells plain plants for 200 gp each, but only stocks one of each type once a day, which gets really annoying.
The other plant vendor sells campions for 2k, and all the other new plants for 5k. Whites are 35-40k and blacks are 25-30k.
Only shop there when i have to.

Actually flax isnt too bad priced at 5k because it's so rare.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's kind of tough staying stocked when people are buying in bulk. I try to stay ahead of the game by always having plains in storage, but if I run out of something colored or one of the new plants then it's gonna take at least a week (probably longer) to restock. I just don't have the storage to keep a lot of plants in backstock.