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[Price Check] What can you tell me about this item? "Gold Ingots"

  • Thread starter Adolphus Wilhiem
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Adolphus Wilhiem

I have gotten a few Inquiries on this item, Id like to know a bit more about it before I consent to auction it.

Is it a server birth? Is it Rare? If so, How much is it worth?


Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still spawns, as I recall in something to do with the High Seas Booster. I sold one on Atlantic for 75k a couple months ago.

Adolphus Wilhiem

Still spawns, as I recall in something to do with the High Seas Booster. I sold one on Atlantic for 75k a couple months ago.
Thanks, thats what I wanted to know. I didnt want to sell off a false rare at some insane price. Thanks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its from fishing up a sos if you get really lucky and fish up a ships strong box, instead of chest recovered from a shipwreck you might get the gold ingots or copper ingots in the strong box. I have got them in both normal sos' and ancient sos'