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What are your symptoms of UO addiction?



Could you use an intervention when you find yourself at an IDOC and you sit for hours depriving yourself of simple human necessities and also you notice you will be late for your work trying make up fake excuses to your boss why your late that day?

Could you use an intervention when you have packs of notes in your briefcase or purse that carry character stats, templates, reminders, and arti goals on them?

Could you use an intervention when you have an insanity fit when the server goes down just as you have dismounted from your pet that is carrying a ton of IDOC items?

Could you use an intervention when your home budget says -"Money for UO Gold "listed under entertainment?

Could you use an intervention when you read miles and miles of printed notes on your lunch break just to find an answer to "Just how much Mana Do I need to kill a Balron?"

Could you use an intervention when you get wrenching nightmares after someone has stolen your account and all those sets of Tokuno Dyes forever. Leaving you with such distress that each time you even SEE a Tokono Dye Your heart sinks and you scream out a bellow in your room that even the neighbors cannot identify what kind of mountain wolf it could be?

Could you use an intervention when you request from your boss at work to please schedule me off on Thursday and Friday nights off because you have "Appointments" Meaning that you have a three hour in game auction to meet?

Could you use an intervention when your wife/husband/significant other asks you the day after a night of wild massive lovemaking, "Honey? What was that yelling out Gank Me Gank Me stuff?"

Could you use an intervention when you do more comparison shopping in Luna than you do at your local Walmart?

These are all in good fun, just hoping to make a few smiles today...So Do YOU have any symptoms of UO addiction?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
whoa! Mine is the amount of houses I own.

If I am somewhat happy ingame I have more than one home.

wee papa smurf

Back in 2002 i remember getting a phone call from my mother saying my brother wrecked his room in his sleep because the "earth element" was trying to get him! I've not really had symptoms apart from holding up alot of cars at a traffic light because i was sitting wondering how i could design my house :p

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I once saw a wild turkey flapping it's wings while running up a hill behind my RL house. I just thought it was a mongbat and kept doing whatever it was I was busy with.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could you use an intervention when your home budget says -"Money for UO Gold" listed under entertainment?

Could you use an intervention when you request from your boss at work to please schedule me off on Thursday and Friday nights off because you have "Appointments" Meaning that you have a three hour in game auction to meet?

Could you use an intervention when you do more comparison shopping in Luna than you do at your local Walmart?
For me, those 3 are so true... thanks for the laugh, those are great!

Wee Papa Smurf and Black Sun yours cracked me up too - i love it!

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Going to the atm machine and saying 'bank' .. and wondering why nothing is happening..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A guild mate says when he see's Bank Repo Houses he thinks of IDOCS
I got a laugh.


A guild mate says when he see's Bank Repo Houses he thinks of IDOCS
I got a laugh.
I own a real estate brokerage that brokers only REO.

People leave behind the coolest stuff.. they really ARE like IRL IDOCs.. :)

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From day one I always hide my characters when I go afk or before I log off the game. When Im not playing uo, and doing other things on the computer when I go afk first reaction is to hide :D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got pulled over for speeding on the highway once.

The cop asked me "Sir, why were you going so fast?"
I told him that there was no one else on the screen.

He looked so confused that he just let me go.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guilty as charged of postponing RL stuff because of UO - including, but not limited to, calling in sick on Malas placement day, getting cozy with BF only after serverdown...

The good thing I got from UO was the idea of "limited lockdowns". I never got to limiting drawers to 125 items max, but the general idea of going through stuff and trashing some to make space for new and better items is present.


driving past a really nice house and thinking, "woah, nice deco"

playing at work between appointments

Quantum Ace

I was trying to exchange a b-day gift of my daughters at target this year and the employee was giving me all kinds of grief because it was a gift and we didn't have a reciept. Not a return, mind you, simply an exchange and she was getting really nasty with me as she explained "gift reciepts" to me. I left their wishing like hell I could just explo/flamestrike her ass.

Was also passing a wood frame house that had been gutted by a fire. The roof was caved in, the porch had fallen on one side and the rest of it was barely standing and I thought.... ooooh IDOC!!!!! :coco: