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Were ever done Books for Treasure Maps ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember, before stopping playing years ago, that among treasure hunters/fishers and players there were requests for Books to store Treasure Maps. Sort of like the Rune Books or the BOD books which then count as 1 item to help with storage.

Was this ever done over the years or are there at least plans of introducing them, finally ?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
But a lot more stuff stacks now than it used to!

And with that little teaser, I point you at the UO Herald on the official UO site: www.uoherald.com. It contains a wealth of information for your browsing pleasure and is exceedingly helpful for learning about important changes in UO that you may have missed during an extended absence. To get the most benefit from it, one should use the "View News Archive" link at the bottom of the page and then select the highest number page to immediately proceed to the oldest information in the archives of the Herald.

If your absence began earlier than February 2007, the "Update Center" button to the left of the screen provides a further link titled Latest Update. Proceed to this section and you may browse to your heart's content UO publish and patch notes dating back to May 25, 1999.

If you have been away so very long that even the Update Center doesn't fill in all the blanks you may have, look for the wikipedia that contains information about UO. There you just may find the information you seek.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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But a lot more stuff stacks now than it used to!

And with that little teaser, I point you at the UO Herald on the official UO site: www.uoherald.com. It contains a wealth of information for your browsing pleasure and is exceedingly helpful for learning about important changes in UO that you may have missed during an extended absence. To get the most benefit from it, one should use the "View News Archive" link at the bottom of the page and then select the highest number page to immediately proceed to the oldest information in the archives of the Herald.

If your absence began earlier than February 2007, the "Update Center" button to the left of the screen provides a further link titled Latest Update. Proceed to this section and you may browse to your heart's content UO publish and patch notes dating back to May 25, 1999.

If you have been away so very long that even the Update Center doesn't fill in all the blanks you may have, look for the wikipedia that contains information about UO. There you just may find the information you seek.
Yes while more stuff does indeed stack unfortunately a bunch of stuff that was supposed to stack like the chocolate ingredients do NOT stack still. Supposedly someone was working on that.... as well as working on the thing that would allow us to "choose" what style of brazier deed and cactus deed we could get as a vet reward... .....

I'm still waiting....


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Neither were jewelry boxes, seed packets, etc.

I have to say that I am really surprised of this.

I have been away almost 2 years and these things were being discussed from well before I stopped playing.

All of them would be quite usefull to the game and to players and I really thought that by now they were already in the game.

I am VERY surprised to see that nothing was done about them, yet.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to say that I am really surprised of this.

I have been away almost 2 years and these things were being discussed from well before I stopped playing.

All of them would be quite usefull to the game and to players and I really thought that by now they were already in the game.

I am VERY surprised to see that nothing was done about them, yet.
Popps, the time you've been gone just keeps growing. Now you're up to 2 years away!

In any event, have you spent any time looking at the publish and patch notes for the period you were gone? Have you made note of what DID get done in that time? Do you understand that sometime last year, the decision was made to resume work on SA and to integrate the live event activities with the rollout of SA? Do you understand that in the last quarter of 2007, a lot of the folks that were in Redwood City, CA on the UO team stopped working on UO? Do you comprehend that only a remnant was left to uproot themselves and move to Virginia, where in early 2008 they started the behind-the-scenes task of assembling a new team to work on UO, with members located in both Virginia and Japan?

Please stop now with all the whining about what didn't get done while you took your 1, 1 1/2, or 2 year vacation from UO. Go read the publish and patch notes if you feel the urge to criticize the developers again. They've been anything but lazy. They're just finally getting their feet back under them again; are adjusting to working with folks in vastly different time zones with different cultural backgrounds and who may not all speak the same language; have a huge challenge ahead of them to put out an expansion accessible to two clients, one of them an antique, and that must be nearly flawless to overcome all the skepticism that built up after KR was rolled out; and to top it all off, they have to do it while the economy is in a shambles and undoubtedly no one feels very secure about their jobs.

If you're gonna jump back into UO, do some damn homework and go read the publish and patch notes and quit the belly-aching until you've actually played again for a while. Sheesh.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
popps is doing the exact same thing he did before, complain and create 4 or 5 new posts every day...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
If you're gonna jump back into UO, do some damn homework and go read the publish and patch notes and quit the belly-aching until you've actually played again for a while. Sheesh.

Thanks for the links.
Yes, I am trying reading various updates to figure out what is new but sometimes, I may overlook some minor changes.

Is it THAT bad asking a question on the Forums ?

I mean, if it really annoys people that much to read a question thread and write a reply, why don't they just skip it ??

I am quite astonished at all the criticism for merely asking a few simple questions.

If one is bothered by being questioned anything they have the option to just skip the thread and do not answer to it. Yes, it is as simple as that.

Arch Magus

You ask, they answer, and then you complain about it.

Maybe they are getting tired of that cycle?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You ask, they answer, and then you complain about it.

Maybe they are getting tired of that cycle?

Hmmm, if I ask what is the wheather like over in Alaska and someone answers me about the wheather in Florida why shouldn't I specify that I was interested of the wheather in Alaska, NOT in Florida ?

If I ask a question indicating clearly and precisely the parameters under which I need an answer, I do not see where I did a mistake.........


Thanks for the links.
Yes, I am trying reading various updates to figure out what is new but sometimes, I may overlook some minor changes.

Is it THAT bad asking a question on the Forums ?

I mean, if it really annoys people that much to read a question thread and write a reply, why don't they just skip it ??

I am quite astonished at all the criticism for merely asking a few simple questions.

If one is bothered by being questioned anything they have the option to just skip the thread and do not answer to it. Yes, it is as simple as that.
Its not the question, its the questioner. You are either ruthlessly trolling or you need an evaluation for a personality disorder.


I have to say that I am really surprised of this.

I have been away almost 2 years and these things were being discussed from well before I stopped playing.

All of them would be quite usefull to the game and to players and I really thought that by now they were already in the game.

I am VERY surprised to see that nothing was done about them, yet.
Hmm, I must be missing it. Seemed a pretty benign question to me.
Seen alot worse Dev team bashing, and haven't seen responses like this.
Popps, it would seem to me that you have a history that they don't like.

*fades into the background*


Hmm, I must be missing it. Seemed a pretty benign question to me.
Seen alot worse Dev team bashing, and haven't seen responses like this.
Popps, it would seem to me that you have a history that they don't like.

*fades into the background*
A certain group of, for lack of a better word, forum bullies bashed popps incessantly in the past "giving" him an undeserved reputation. Some of those same people are trying to do it again upon his return.

Popps, there's nothing wrong with your posts and you have every right to make them. The mods here should be taking a hard look at the naysayers.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A certain group of, for lack of a better word, forum bullies bashed popps incessantly in the past "giving" him an undeserved reputation. Some of those same people are trying to do it again upon his return.

Popps, there's nothing wrong with your posts and you have every right to make them. The mods here should be taking a hard look at the naysayers.

Thanks for the heads up, appreciated.


The mods here should be taking a hard look at the naysayers.
The "mods" were locking his threads almost as soon as he made them before he took his continuously extending break from UO. They'd gotten sick of him too.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am VERY surprised to see that nothing was done about them, yet.
If this surprises you then you dont know UO very well, thats all I can say. UO from its inception to this date is littered with things that never got fixed or never got implemented and probably never will.


A certain group of, for lack of a better word, forum bullies bashed popps incessantly in the past "giving" him an undeserved reputation. Some of those same people are trying to do it again upon his return.

Popps, there's nothing wrong with your posts and you have every right to make them. The mods here should be taking a hard look at the naysayers.
Yes, indeed, there is a conspiracy to subvert popps before the overwhelming excellence of his insights and conceptions of UO is made evident and the dev team pledges allegiance to his agenda.

Damn! Found out!

Seriously, now, what is wrong with the community policing trolls?

Prince Caspian

We don't need books for Treasure Maps, if you ask me.

I mean, really... Why? Treasure Maps are jokes. They aren't worth going after 99% of the time, and there's really no reason to collect large numbers of them.

Want to build the Big Map? 20 treasure maps isn't gonna make that big of a difference in your stored items for a few days.

Treasure maps of any level are not in the least bit rare and thus not worth hoarding.

You get a map? Dig it up then, or toss it away. What possible purpose do you have storing so many maps you'd need a book?


well, there are those of us who log in and decide to go out and do a few maps everyday. If for nothing else other than having a few items to mess with on our crafter, regs for our alcy, and a lil bit of gold and gems.
I like to keep a good amount of maps ready at all times (and mibs/sos).
I don't know how a book, like the bod book, would help with the maps.
Unless they made them so that they sorted by location.

The issue with weight and storage I could see, but I don't think that it is that large of an issue.
just my thoughts (disorganized as they may be.)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well, there are those of us who log in and decide to go out and do a few maps everyday
Are you kidding? I play solo a fair amount, and I still do even the lvl 1s that I get. In fact, for relaxing I would rather do 6 of them than a lvl 6, I mean, how many more Luna Lances do I need? :wall:

I'm all in favor of anything that reduces my storage count!!!


I'm all in favor of anything that reduces my storage count!!!
Oh, don't get me wrong, I am also in favor of anything that will bring down my storage count. Just have no idea of how it could be accomplished, that would be appealing as well as functional.

(told ya my thoughts were disorganized. :coco:)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "mods" were locking his threads almost as soon as he made them before he took his continuously extending break from UO. They'd gotten sick of him too.

Strange, I have no memories of my threads locked.

And why should they ? I try my best to get out of my way not to be unrespectfull of others....

Too bad, though, that sometimes I have the impression that others at times seem not to show the same towards me.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You get a map? Dig it up then, or toss it away. What possible purpose do you have storing so many maps you'd need a book?

Hmmm, perhaps because that is how the Cartography skill is raised and, the larger the number the more one can raise the skill ? Having books can help store them for bulk sales or to collect them when raising the skill and so forth.

And the point is not only as in regards to Treasure Maps, but also for other items like seeds, jewellery and so forth.

The issue is about whether the game could very welcome a number of containers reducing item count to players or not.

Some players think that yes, these containers would be a very welcomed addition to the game.


Yes while more stuff does indeed stack unfortunately a bunch of stuff that was supposed to stack like the chocolate ingredients do NOT stack still. Supposedly someone was working on that.... as well as working on the thing that would allow us to "choose" what style of brazier deed and cactus deed we could get as a vet reward... .....

I'm still waiting....
They have been fixed as I was able to choose the brazier I wanted as well
as the cactus. This was about 2 weeks ago.