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Weirdest thing ever!!!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
SO training in Yomostu mines; deep near fire beetles, this guy is training an energy drake.

He leaves, leaving his drake behind, I am thinking, he doesn't wanna drag him all the way back.

After a few minutes, guess what!!!! The drake is attacking me!!!

I am like WTF!! What an A-hole!!!! He released the F'in drake on me!!!

So, I run back and forth, trying to cast invis on myself, keep fizzling, cause the darn thing is attached to me!!

Then what I notice is that, it is making me fizzle but not doing any damage, rather, my stupid luck sword was hitting it for some!

I managed to hop on my CU, and run off screen. As soon as I did, the drake vanished!

SO, haha, it was some ghost code that was attacking me!

Good job on wasting 2 minutes of your life reading this! :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We had an instance also on TC1 where a revenant was attacking one of our members when he was dead so I bet they broke something in the code.