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[Discussion] Weird thing happened to an EM book...



Ok... I have a book called [Daemonic Language], registered in Manti's List as Pacific Season 8 (~10). I didn't get it myself from event, but i'm 99% it is the real thing as I found it in an Idoc in a box with similar rares.
Now, I am 100% sure I tried to edit the title/author/text and I couldn't. Certainly seemed like the real thing. (Graphic is regular closed book, light greenish).

Long story short, I xfered the book to Sakura Rares Fest, thinking of selling it. To my surprise, when playing with it by chance I discovered now I can edit all fields of text, making this EM item pretty much worthless, more since the color seems easy to reproduce.

This message is intended as a warning for other EM book owners as I really think the transfer affected the item.


Happy New Year Everyone !!!!

and a Special : Happy New Rares (Year) Everyone !!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't it worthless anyway if the colour is so easy to reproduce? Anyone with a blank book could copy the text inside.


I think that's the point, it was supposedly locked before so that it could not be reproduced...

Does one of those planty leaf things lock books from being edited? In which case, could it in fact be re-produced, coloured, then locked with the plant leaf?

I know one of them works on runes, my memory fails me if there is a similar one for books.




Well, now it is worthless.

Before, I would not think so. I'm not talking 100mil worth. But books like these usually hover around 10mil worth. Guess it's worth comes from the feeling of owning an original EM rare item, as long as the item has one feature to distinguish it from a copy (in this case the non-editable text). Server birth graphics just missing "Artifact rarity" line of text or having just original weight are still desirable in the community.