And has there been any more sightings of the seed pods?
Sunday 3rd May 2009
Nathan Hawke paced around his small unfurnished room. Omens and portents. A wedding in Cove? That mirrored the tragedy of the recent "wedding" between Hannah and Dorian. He had risked the kingdom for this one life - why? Because its the right thing to have done he told himself. We cant leave even one good honest citizen lost if there is a chance.
And what of Hannah? She had asked to join the Royal Guard, but she needed more training first. Nathan smiled. As soon as he had brought up this idea with the people of Sosaria they had accused him of scheming... this was getting hard for a man like Hawke to keep having to think and explain every single action.
And now this Cove festival and more omens. Firstly he had seen the fortune teller who told him that a woman would be a part of his life - this must mean Hannah - and also the card of Death. And more astonishingly the fortune teller mentioned the Queen of Shadows, a reference surely to Melissa the Shadow Lord. But what did it all mean?
Shortly after this the Orcs of Cove attacked the market, or rather, they sent a scout from the nearby camp to the market and they seemed to be making some plans. The bodies were searched and a parchment was found on one of the bodies with some written "orders" on it. general consensus of opinion was that the orders were simple and something along the lines of "smashing the stupid humans" and "something about a magic town". Nathan's intelligence was correct then.
The orcs were up to something and this was the beginning...
Not as such. The orcs were part of the invasion forces in Trinsic and most of the forces unleashed to capture Clainin and Hannah.Cant make a conection between the recent events and the emergence of the orcs though. Orcs and shadow lords ? strange bed fellows!