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We wish you all the best EM Sangria ...

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( From the Sonoma EM Events website:
Sangria said:

Back in Sept. of 2010 I moved to Sonoma from Napa. Can you believe it’s been that long? I can’t! The time has gone by fast and I’ve loved every minute of it. Sonoma has a wonderful, unique community and I’ve enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of you. If this is beginning to sound like a good bye post, you are right – sort of. I’m not leaving the EM program but I am moving to another shard to help out there. I will be at this Friday’s HOC (4/6 6 PST, rune can be found at the feet of the event announcer at Luna bank) and the drinks will be on me! Oh! And for those of you who want my stuff? Eira beat you to it!