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"We Created The Food" =p


Broli of CKS

I remembered the event that gave out the "Finnigans Low Quality Hat" [Cursed] & the "we created the food" shirts. was jus wondering what these ran out; as i got a set out of an idoc. and was there a "Big Muffin" that came with this? because it was in the same back. I checked the events board and couldnt find this stuff; so I figured I would ask. Thanks =]

PS: Which of the Vet Reward Sets are rare?

The ones that dont have "A" or "An" in front of it?

Aka "Valorite Robe" & "Valorite Cloak" ??

Thanks again =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have say 20-25 We created the food shirts, cant get more than 30k for them

Broli of CKS

Thanks for that. what about the others? the finnigans hats? and the big muffins? and the "valorite robe" and "valorite cloak"?? Thanks =]