I'm not very good at saying goodbye, so I'll keep it brief...
After nearly 4,5 years as your EM, the time has finally come for me to resign. It's been a great time, one of the most fun and interesting jobs I've held. But it is also a job that requires passion, and I'm sad to say; my passion has waned. And so it is time, to make room for somebody who does have that passion.
I want to thank you all for... well for everything really! For all the interesting roleplay, all the curveballs you never ceased to throw my characters. For writing countless reports ranging from incredibly indepth to outright hilarious. For your usually contructive criticizm that helped me grow as an EM and as a person. For attending my events, some of you were there every single week! For being the best people on the best shard in all of UO!
I'd also like to salute my former partners in crime:
Sarakan, who was my partner for 3 years and the best roleplayer I've ever met. Thanks mate!
Adris, who has been my partner for the past year. The torch is yours to now mate. I'm happy to leave Europa in your very capable hands. Keep it burning *Grins*
Like I said; I'm not good at saying goodbye. I didn't plan my resignation at all. So I'm afraid there won't be a final event. At this point I can't even say goodbye in-game anymore. So this is it my friends...
Goodbye! *Waves*
After nearly 4,5 years as your EM, the time has finally come for me to resign. It's been a great time, one of the most fun and interesting jobs I've held. But it is also a job that requires passion, and I'm sad to say; my passion has waned. And so it is time, to make room for somebody who does have that passion.
I want to thank you all for... well for everything really! For all the interesting roleplay, all the curveballs you never ceased to throw my characters. For writing countless reports ranging from incredibly indepth to outright hilarious. For your usually contructive criticizm that helped me grow as an EM and as a person. For attending my events, some of you were there every single week! For being the best people on the best shard in all of UO!
I'd also like to salute my former partners in crime:
Sarakan, who was my partner for 3 years and the best roleplayer I've ever met. Thanks mate!
Adris, who has been my partner for the past year. The torch is yours to now mate. I'm happy to leave Europa in your very capable hands. Keep it burning *Grins*
Like I said; I'm not good at saying goodbye. I didn't plan my resignation at all. So I'm afraid there won't be a final event. At this point I can't even say goodbye in-game anymore. So this is it my friends...
Goodbye! *Waves*