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Water Trough (West) Deed + guild deed

  • Thread starter Philanthropist
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


A long, long time ago (over 5 or 6 years ago I think) it was possible to craft Water Troughs that were facing West, rather than east or south. Feel free to check this on your mule
Does anyone know what these are worth at the moment? I think there are VERY few left, seeing as it's not an obvious rare and most were sold or used back in the day.

I also found A Guild Deed on the same char. Also rare I presume? Due to the fact that it's been moved to some ugly paperdoll screen.

If anyone could give me a rough estimate on the value of both items, that would be great.


People kinda held onto those west deeds tho, I think I have a dozen or so of them. I'm much more interested in getting my hands on a south deed, if such a thing exists. I know the big forges can fetch a mill or so, never really tried to sell off the west deeds, a few hundred k at least I suppose.

"A guild deed", hrm that would be the kind that can't be turned into a guildstone...maybe 100k on Baja, but I doubt it. That was one of those rares that they told people ahead of time they were going to get rid of. I got a bunch on europa but they really just don't move off of the vendor, I think I have them priced around 100k there, not sure.



People kinda held onto those west deeds tho, I think I have a dozen or so of them. I'm much more interested in getting my hands on a south deed, if such a thing exists. I know the big forges can fetch a mill or so, never really tried to sell off the west deeds, a few hundred k at least I suppose.

"A guild deed", hrm that would be the kind that can't be turned into a guildstone...maybe 100k on Baja, but I doubt it. That was one of those rares that they told people ahead of time they were going to get rid of. I got a bunch on europa but they really just don't move off of the vendor, I think I have them priced around 100k there, not sure.

[/ QUOTE ]
Seems like not everything turned to gold
You can just craft south ones if you like.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
In the past, I have sold guild deeds for as high as 400K on Atlantic.


Not the ones titled "water trough [south] deed", they don't craft with the word 'deed' at the end now. I have every other old craftable deed but that one, except for reward anvils with the word deed at the end, but I think they still come with that title anyways so I'm in no big rush to get those (just as I fill out the bods for turn in).