War Machine GTFO
If you've ever wondered whether an ornate axe spamming LS or a double axe spamming double strike will do more damage per second to Barracoon or Navrey this post should help you.
Edit 12/24: Link to the file in google docs: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0At6FyKmO7-VndG5rYkdJa3ZnbjRtTk5hS2YxSDNSbVE&hl=en (thanks Lynk, I didn't realize I could make it public rather than just sharing with friends). I left the attached pdf file if anyone wanted to look at it there for whatever reason.
In the spreadsheet, I make some assumptions (max skills, max DI, 300% DI cap reached, max swing speed, attacker hits 100% of the time) and look at a few weapons (leafblade, ornate axe, and double axe). I calculate the damage per second that each weapon would do under those circumstances while varying the targets resists and the attackers frequency of use and type of weapon specials.
I recommend viewing the file with View>Page Display>"Two-up Continuous" or get me to send the excel file. The stuff that gives DPS of the various weapons with specials or LS is the more interesting part.
I assumed that a lightning strike crit just ignores a targets armor completely and that an AI does 90% of that damage. I assumed that lightning strike at 120 bushido produces a crit 20% of the time. I'm not certain that all of my stuff is right, but I'm somewhat confident that it is.
Feel free to expand upon the sheet, but I'd like to see what other people do or have done with this kind of thing.
Edit 12/24: Link to the file in google docs: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0At6FyKmO7-VndG5rYkdJa3ZnbjRtTk5hS2YxSDNSbVE&hl=en (thanks Lynk, I didn't realize I could make it public rather than just sharing with friends). I left the attached pdf file if anyone wanted to look at it there for whatever reason.
In the spreadsheet, I make some assumptions (max skills, max DI, 300% DI cap reached, max swing speed, attacker hits 100% of the time) and look at a few weapons (leafblade, ornate axe, and double axe). I calculate the damage per second that each weapon would do under those circumstances while varying the targets resists and the attackers frequency of use and type of weapon specials.
I recommend viewing the file with View>Page Display>"Two-up Continuous" or get me to send the excel file. The stuff that gives DPS of the various weapons with specials or LS is the more interesting part.
I assumed that a lightning strike crit just ignores a targets armor completely and that an AI does 90% of that damage. I assumed that lightning strike at 120 bushido produces a crit 20% of the time. I'm not certain that all of my stuff is right, but I'm somewhat confident that it is.
Feel free to expand upon the sheet, but I'd like to see what other people do or have done with this kind of thing.
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