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Warrent for the arrest of Lord Casca

  • Thread starter Urk of LS
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  • Watchers 0

Urk of LS

To: The Britannia High Court Sheriff, High Guard of the Britannia High Council, and the Britannia High Council

From: Urk Silvermane, High Justicar for the Britannia High Court.

Subj: Warrent of Arrest.

This Warrent is issued for Lord Casca.
Lord Casca is being Charged with the following crimes.

1) Treason, In that Lord Casca did with questionable authority did declare himself to be King.

2) Murder, in that Lord Casca did Order the execution of Lord Markett, without due process of Law.

Wanted for questioning in the Following.

1)Conspiracy to Commit Piracy, in that it is alledged that Lord Casca is Directly responsible for the Pirate attacks occuring in Felluca.

Other Charges are pending upon further investigation.

This warrent is given under my hand.

Urk Silvermane
High Justicar
Britannia High Court.