i had vendor at my sign house, i reclaim it i receive my item in my bagpack and gold at bank but dont receive clothing vendor wearing
where go my clothing?
where go my clothing?
is custom house and nothing in crate houseLook in moving crates, even if a Classic house
So I thought I lost some thing in moving crate before.all vendor gone cause house turned like new
all vendor at sign house and when i collect the invetory i receive the gold and item was in vendor but not receive the clothing wearing
have try 3 vendor and all lost clothing i still have more vendor at sign house to reclaim but i stop no want lost more clothing
i lost the robe of britannia ari replica robe . the most knowledge person replica hpi 5 and embroidered oak leaf cloak replica
and 2 days ago i lost 4 statut maker after redeed them the statut not go in my bagpack i call gm and never coming