Looking for the best to teach me Dread Horse PvP.....
If you are a mage, play like a mage with dismount all kill last target macroed on a key which you can use like an instant cast IPWNU spell.
For archer tamer... this is probably one of the most skillless template in game. Have pet on all guard me, run to your victim with dismount shot toggled, hit a macro that dismounts you, and hit UOMacro "attack last" or "AttackTargeted". Pet will auto defend and go after victim (casting, melee and frebreathing) or you can make a macro for all kill last target.
And if dismount lands spam moving shot while running after the victim until target dies. If dismount misses, mount up run away and repeat when you are ready.
If you want to learn PvP, tamers arent really a good choice, because you are still a no skill noob that needs an OPed pet to compete, you will never get good if you cant survive(or kill) on your own. And NO! running in straightline all the time isnt winning.
Tamers in the hands of noobie PvPer is ok, but if decent pvpers like myself and many out there are playing one, we can make any tamer PvP template utterly stupidly overpowered.