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VS on Atlantic is 100 Times Better Than It Was!!!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On LS it is not fully populated yet.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Works great on Origin because we don't have 1563436185364863 vendors like ATL does....nothing on ATL....I've tried searching for the most random basic stuff...one word, two words....three words....with and without price range...nothing.

Maybe what they did was a step in the right direction but it didn't help at all

Vendor Search Updates
  • Endless Journey accounts can no longer use the item name search
  • Endless Journey accounts will now receive a 60-second cooldown between searches
  • All item name searches are now limited up to three words
  • Updated error messaging
  • Database maintenance

It's the sheer volume of vendors on ATL that causes the issue. Whatever system or database or whatever they are using just can't handle the amount of information from ATL. :(


Stratics Veteran
On Atlantic was totally useless, nothing changed and Vs doesnt work at all...Nice update, good job homies hahahahahaha

P.S. Break the hamster's chains, it could help the wheel running process, just saying


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still think I"m right. It's not the number of vendors on ATL, it's the constant queries, by whomever....


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still think I"m right. It's not the number of vendors on ATL, it's the constant queries, by whomever....
But EJ accounts are limited now. Time for another made up conspiracy theory.

And we would not make so many queries if it did not time out so much. :(


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
They didn’t claim a fix was in order. Just some bandaids really :/


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Have you ever try VS from another facet? Something I noticed is if I search in Luna I can be there FOREVER. Do the same search in Trammel takes far less and all this was before this pub.

I have yet to try since the Pub


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But EJ accounts are limited now. Time for another made up conspiracy theory.

And we would not make so many queries if it did not time out so much. :(
Vendor search on Atlantic has been working all day, every day... for the past 3 days..... get real and stop trolling. It is fixed now. : ) : ) I am vendor searching non stop now. Thank you Devs!


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Vendor search on Atlantic has been working all day, every day... for the past 3 days..... get real and stop trolling. It is fixed now. : ) : ) I am vendor searching non stop now. Thank you Devs!
Don't praise them too fast... it's not the first patch fix and will probably not be the last. I will agree that it has been working fine the last few days though.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Vendor search on Atlantic has been working all day, every day... for the past 3 days..... get real and stop trolling. It is fixed now. : ) : ) I am vendor searching non stop now. Thank you Devs!
Funny how I get time out very often. Still very random to get a result from keyword search. But, glad it is all fixed for you.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Overall, VS is working better. Not perfect... but better. I am getting more consistent results and it is working much more often.

I am still getting occasional time outs. However, what is odd is that I will get a "time out", then three or four minutes later - boom the VS window pops up unexpectedly with the search results.. even if I have left the house and traveled around. Also, I have noticed that with some search results, I will flip through a page or two of results and all of a sudden be on a blank page that shows no results.

Those quirks aside, it seems to be working better. If I get one or two unsuccessful searches, if I wait five minutes and try again it seems to work. Again, not perfect - but better than it being up and down for hours at a time and not knowing when it would work and when it would be complete dead.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Merlin I have been noticing the same thing. I have a Shard runner out and I have been getting faster results but I have notice that if I set there looking for different specific items and getting returns that after a while VS goes down for me so I recall from Luna to Tram location of my Castle and back to Luna, walk around till I get the under protection that I am able to search again before this happens again and there does not seam to be a set number of searches but more towards the number of items, I get more searches if the returns list is short and few searches if the lists are longer so I wondering if the DEVs put in something more to limit the load on VS, like a limit on # of returned items in a search timeout so you need to do something else even if it is a 2 min. break.