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VOTE FOR FERN (4th ad)



The gypsy has bought a few dozen copies of this poster and keeps pinning them up all over our house. I hope you're bloody well happy.

(I am still voting for you, however.)

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even though I'm female, am I allowed to say you're pretty hot, Pros? *LOL*


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woot! Green just looks good on certain people.

So the question is... she endorsing you or you bribing for votes ?

Btw Mama Faith, you can say she is hot. No worries :) lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even though I'm female, am I allowed to say you're pretty hot, Pros? *LOL*

Mamaaaa! I missed you! And yes, you are allowed to say that, though my thoughts are still with the man-elf in the last ad.

lol ya what Mama said ! :thumbup:
*Blushes* Thank you!

Woot! Green just looks good on certain people.

So the question is... she endorsing you or you bribing for votes ?

Btw Mama Faith, you can say she is hot. No worries :) lol
I am most certainly NOT bribing anyone for votes, and as soon I'm alive again - Fern will be dead.

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is why we need to be allowed to vote on all 4 open spots! LOL I can't even vote for myself, or someone who actually "deserves" a seat (well except Hand, he has my only 1 vote)