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Vorpal Bunnies


Grand Poobah
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So I started some characters on Catskills a shard I have amazingly never created any toons on and had Zero Gold, equipment or resources to start out. Also don't have a shard shield for Cats to bring in resources and gold.

I did my usual new shard trick of making a crafter/miner to be able to get up 20mil gold and worked imbue up to 100 (Good enough to make basic imbued suits and skill jewels) Spent the first week getting that character up to speed and bringing in the gold.

On one of my trips to the glow cotton field I found a stack of 477 green thorns. Figure someone got bored with the bunny timer and gave up or dropped them for some noob to use :)

So next I make a tamer and spent 3 days getting to 95 taming and made a set of 26 tame and lore jewels and spent 10,800,000 of my gold on 120 tame and lore I found on VS. Now lacking the things I have on the shards I normally play like A orc ship, ship paintings, and a alchemist my usual Dread Pirate training method just won't fly. I can't stand the crazy mage for training 1 slot pets as they tend to die often. Even if the pet does not die they can't kill the mage to bring a new one up.

I have been wanting to try Vorpal Bunnies for a while to see how painful it is to get a 1 slot pet trained to 2 slot using them. So I snagged a lesser hiryu and 200 green thorns and headed to glow. The gains kind of suck and run .70 - 1.4 per bunny. It took 147 green thorns to go from 0%-100%. In comparison to other things to train a pet up on it is not great. However it was not horrible either as the lesser got 100 anat and 100 parry (He is a 108 natural wrestle one) I did use two clients for planting the thorns to get around the bunny cool down timer.

For a new character on a new shard though the bunnies are great. Pet training, Gold, some decent loot pieces, eggs worth 250 turn in points each, and a whole lot of cotton. Not the most efficient thing to train pets on but good enough to get from 1-2 slot or 2-3 slot and get the hpr and resist up and toss on some Stam, Dex and more HP. After that the harder things to train on are not so hard :) And as a bonus green thorns are often free or very cheap.


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Not sure his method, but mine is....

Given how high ingots are in Luna and Britain on most shards (and almost as high elsewhere), you can sell ingots 500 at a time and get 25000 gold or more per 500 for a few times (maybe dozens for luna). Depending on how high most cities are, you may be able to do it a lot. If you can survive running into ilshenar, the random (not permanent) gypsy camps' iron workers will have ingots at 8 GP right after they spawn (you can make insane profits just running ingots from gypsies to luna, until the ingot prices even out - then switch to a different gypsy). Similarly, most shards have a bunch of jewelers (especially Luna and Britain) that have gem prices that have gone 50 or 100 higher than base value, and the gypsy camp "vagabonds" start out with gems at base. So, once you amass enough money from running ingots to start buying gems, you can start doing gems the same way. And, of course, any you actually MINE are 100% profit (minus the cost of the shovels/picks).

Eventually, the prices you get for selling lower as the prices you pay rise, but you'll make a lot of people who buy their ingots and gems happy (and they'll probably elevate the prices right back up in a few days). And, the gypsy camps only last a few hours before they despawn and spawn on one of the other 10 or so locations - and will be back to the base prices on respawn.

Used to be, you could craft some things that selling would make you more than just selling the ingots, but ingots are so high-priced now in most Luna versions that it's hard to find anything that will get you more gold than the raw ingots, until you sell down the ingot prices 20, 30 or more gold per.
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Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
What's the crafter/miner procedure for making 20M gold?
I just can't bring myself to share that trick :) @Victim of Siege can however verify that my method make a lot of gold fast and Legally as he is the only one I shared it with. Once the first method dries up a bit I sell ignots as BAsara pointed out and farm Orc Brutes for shadow, and pound it in to heater shields that I sell to the black smiths for 550-800 gold each. Just lead all the little orcs to the entrance to lvl 2 and go up to lvl 2 and recall back to lvl 3 main chamber, if you don't kill the the little orcs the brutes pretty much insta respawn. Used a half baked mystic jeweled up to 100 mystic and 100 focus and just dropped RCs on them. Can pile up 10k shadow iron real fast this way and make lots of heater shields. I just pile the shadow ore in the center by the forge until I have a lot and then recall out and bring my miner wearing a orc mask to smelt it and throw it on his beetle and then go make shields.


Grand Poobah
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And not to be condescending but there are about 2 dozen Legal ways (Probably more that I don't know about) to make 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 on a new character with just a couple of GM skills or at least jeweled to GM. The problem is none of them are that one big sale get rich fast event item and take some grind and time and don't require scripting or even UOA, so they are not things most people are going to be interested in doing :)

Edit one way to make millions fast is farm the fairy dragon spawn over and over and over and occasionally get a tinkers legs for a multi millions bonus.


Seasoned Veteran
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I'm curious. When you say, " 2 dozen Legal ways (Probably more that I don't know about) to make 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 on a new character with just a couple of GM skills or at least jeweled to GM", how many real time hours are you actually talking about? It's one thing to want a get rich scheme that will net you millions of gold if you get lucky and score a valuable item, but quite another to spend more hours in a day working at gold farming than most people spend at their job. Let alone, I am not one to be able to perform a repetitive task for more than about an hour at a time before I lose use of my faculties.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I'm curious. When you say, " 2 dozen Legal ways (Probably more that I don't know about) to make 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 on a new character with just a couple of GM skills or at least jeweled to GM", how many real time hours are you actually talking about? It's one thing to want a get rich scheme that will net you millions of gold if you get lucky and score a valuable item, but quite another to spend more hours in a day working at gold farming than most people spend at their job. Let alone, I am not one to be able to perform a repetitive task for more than about an hour at a time before I lose use of my faculties.
LOL UO is hardly a FT job for me you can farm 150k per hour dropping blade spirits on over land SOlen, 300k Per Hour doing trogs, 450-500k per hour farming fairy dragons, I hear the number 800k per hour farming shame earth els. 900k Per hour with my crafter/miner. Average a spend a couple hours per day in game. Rainy muddy snowy crappy day I might sped 12 hours.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like today...... real crap day outside so I fed the hogs and did the usual chores and started whacking vorpal bunnies about the time I made this thread. Have banked 420k and 300 some odd cotton over the last 4 hours and am getting real bored doing bunnies :)


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Well, the ingot and Gem buy low/sell high method can take about 5-10 minutes. Buy as much as you want of one or both, bank them (the gypsies have a banker), recall to luna, then pop out 400 stone's worth from your bank at a time until you sell them all.