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Visitors list.



After something very... bizarre happening at my abode, I got to thinking that it would be good to know who's been visiting your dwelling when you haven't been there. More so, if something has gone missing or mysteriously shown up you can narrow it down to who is responsible.
Plus it'd be nice to know who's been popping in.
Id like to hear others thoughts on this matter and even a word from the devs to know if something like this is possible.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would be cool but depending on what spawns around your house,you just might get alot of reports of cows and goats visiting. Unless there is a filter that only shows what players have come by. If I had that at my place that is close to good mining (I leave my place public and a forge set up) I would probably get tens of visits dailey.


I tend to hide while I'm crafting in my house because my ground floor is open, and it gets annoying to have to stop everything I'm doing for the random vampire bat that comes around, then have to set all my menus and open chests/boxes/bags back up. By doing this, I've seen quite a few people that make regular rounds into people's houses, checking any containers they can get to in order to see if they can open any of them and steal the contents. Kind of sad that some people would stoop that low.


That is one of the reasons i made this poll. I have heard so many stories of people loosing things like that and not realising whats happened.
It could be what happened to me is just a bug, as theres a few others that have had similar thing occur in the past couple of weeks. But it got me thinking that it would be nice to know whos helped them selves to your residence!

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

That is one of the reasons i made this poll. I have heard so many stories of people loosing things like that and not realising whats happened.
It could be what happened to me is just a bug, as theres a few others that have had similar thing occur in the past couple of weeks. But it got me thinking that it would be nice to know whos helped them selves to your residence!

[/ QUOTE ]Leave your plot public but "lock" your front door. Make them accessable to friended players only so there will be no worries


"Leave your plot public but "lock" your front door."

There's an exploit that people can use to get in houses that are public with a locked front door.


Locking your door still wont tell you whos been at your house.
And if its a case of things going missing, it'd be nice to know which friend to knock off the access list eh?



Locking your door still wont tell you whos been at your house.
And if its a case of things going missing, it'd be nice to know which friend to knock off the access list eh?

[/ QUOTE ]

What about stealthers?

Two or three time I have gone to public auctions on my stealther and sneaked into the VIP seating area without paying.
(Wait for them to open the gate for the paying VIP customers and scoot in).

The house owner had he/she done tracking or detect hidden I forget which one probably could have revealed me, but they never did, so they never knew I was there.

Stealthers WILL NOT be pleased if every house sign they stealth past flashes their names to those inside (think Felucca and Pvp).

But if stealthers are not listed on the house sign as visiting then they will simply stealth inside, do their business and you will check the house sign and see the last one of your friend's name who visited and accuse them of doing the stealing.

And that would be very sad.


anyone that enters the building will go on the 'guest list' theres absolutly no need to be stealthing in someones house unless you mean harm, and in that case good! you should be put on the list. And i think id be better off as a gump in the house sign rather then flashing a persons name. if it could be a fel excluded thing then great cause its already a risk to go there, keep it a risk to live there also


With the limit on removing people from the end of the list and in KR the limit on even seeing who has access this could also aid in thining out ones access list.

It would also be very nice if names on the access list got updated when people changed their names.


accumulated lists strike me as the sort of thing that are vulnerable to nasty game-breaking bugs/performance degradation (if too many different people visit a house).



There's an exploit that people can use to get in houses that are public with a locked front door.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, it's called walking in stealthed when someone opens the door. =P


I'm kind of split on this one. My curious side says oh yes yes, but my "that could cause trouble" side says it's really not needed. That being said, I'm the kind of person who did get the tracking system for my myspace page so I can see who all is visiting me.

Years ago I was sitting in my little house with a friend. We were both chatting about nothing much, just friendly, and we both saw a message over a decoration item pop up and say, "no longer locked down." Over the years many people have reported this bug. My "this could be trouble" side is pointing out what sort of trouble false accusations could cause, not to mention the logistics nightmare of getting a system like that working accurately in the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to see this.

Years ago a friend loaned me a ring of elements and bracelet of health that went missing from a secure chest. I was quite embarrassed when he asked for them back and I couldn't give them to him, especially since I didn't have the gold to replace them.

To this day I wonder who it was that took them
I have my suspicions but no way to really know.


Detect Hidden , doesnt this still work 100% of time in your owned home??




There's an exploit that people can use to get in houses that are public with a locked front door.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, it's called walking in stealthed when someone opens the door. =P

[/ QUOTE ]


I meant the exploit one.


Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are already a number of ways you can deal with house security issues. Your most valuable posessions should in your bank vault or in chests with security set to OWNER ONLY.

House design goes a long way towards security as well. Set doors and teleporters to allow friends only. And thought it's true that a stealthed character can follow you into a public house when you open a door... then cant follow you onto a teleporter. So, if you like to entertain make your ground floor your "public floor", but use a teleporter for access to any areas that you alone should be going into.

Don't make everyone a friend to your house. I've met several folks in game that will invite my char back to their house and then friend that char just to let them come inside. If you intend to entertain company you're probably better off setting your house to public and incorporating the ideas listed above to secure chests and rooms/floors.

Now here is something you can do right now... open your skills and find Detect Hidden." Drag that little grey box onto your desktop and keep it there. You have a 100% chance of revealing folks hidden in your own home, so BEFORE you unlock anything do a check to see is someone is in your house.

There are folks that will follow you inside in Stealth mode and wait for you to move things around. They will prey specifically on folks who may be decorating their home since those folks will be moving chests around quite a bit and are distracted with other things. While you are trying to get that dang chair to face east... they are behind you looking through the three chests you dumped out of your backpack... Kiss your Jackal's Collar goodbye. When you place your Holy Knight's Breastplate out on a table to show off to your visitors... they will snatch it before you can lock it down. So... DETECT HIDDEN OFTEN.

Safe Travels, Sam


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You might try posting your ideas in the Ideas Den. Every post in that forum allows for other players to vote and comment on the ideas.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Put up a Herald that announces players names. Hide your character in your house, Set your journal to Log, open up your journal...and wait. Or use Incoming Names...



Detect Hidden , doesnt this still work 100% of time in your owned home??

[/ QUOTE ]

It sure does, but are you going to use it every couple of minutes to see if someone sneaked in and still happens to be there?

Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Put up a Herald that announces players names...

[/ QUOTE ]

I could never get my dang Herald to work right. I'd set it up... it would work ok for a while then just quit. I've tried several times in different houses and have the same results... I gave up. Good idea though if you dont have a lazy good-for-nothing herald workin for ya!

Safe Travels, Sam


"Set doors and teleporters to allow friends only."

As I pointed out already, setting door security MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in a public house. There is a known exploit that allows anyone to enter a public house with NONpublic doors. The exploit does not require that the door be opened to allow them to gain entry into the home, the home simply has to be "public".

I haven't heard of any teleporter exploits, but it used to be that every time you customized your house, they all got set back to "anyone", so would require that the home owner be sure to REMEMBER to reset their security each time they are finished customizing their house.

Private houses ftw.

But yes if you must go public do keep your most valuable items in the bank or in an "owner only" chest that you never, ever, release from being locked down.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


There's an exploit that people can use to get in houses that are public with a locked front door.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, it's called walking in stealthed when someone opens the door. =P

[/ QUOTE ]

Just guessing, but the 'exploit' is probably done with either sacrifice or gift of life. Just use common sense, everyone knows that you can walk through a door while dead.


stealthing and stealing are a playstyle my freind...live with it



stealthing and stealing are a playstyle my freind...live with it

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly , for the most part this playstyle is all but useless..


to be an effective thief in UO nowadays you need to dabble in a grey area on the verge of scamming.



"Leave your plot public but "lock" your front door."

There's an exploit that people can use to get in houses that are public with a locked front door.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't need an exploit to do this, its perfectly legal.


Ok heres some problems with your ideas.
I live in a castle, so teleporters cannot be put in.
Detect hidden i use already just for that fact of checking before i unlock anything ( i learnt the hard way years ago) but that only works if a hidden person is in your house still, not who was in there since you've been there last.

The issue i had that made me think of this looks like a bug as several people on my shard have had the same thing happen.
So im not looking for solutions to stop people stealing my things. I know what to do.
It'd be nice, i think, to know whos been visiting, museums hotels and the such have guestbooks why cant our places have them? some people have opened their homes to display things, be good to know whos been stopping in to admire your hard work? How many people have been coming and whether you should advertise more to attract more people.


I voted no ...

How will Milo the Ranger NPC be distinguished from Milo your next door neighbor? Or any of the dozens of visitors to your mall? Isn't there a limit to the number of entries?

imported_lady michelle

You know how long that visting list would be lets say I visit your house 20 times a day my name would be posted 20 times. Seems to me your more interested in who takes what from your place then visting it. I think this is what you really want to see. Im friended to your house I come by open chest take a pair of fey leggins, and don't tell you. Later you log on look on the house sign and you click on things takin. My name will be on the list like this lady michelle took a pair of fey leggins. This will also work for anyone who isnt friended or accessed. this way you would only have a list of who took something than a list of everyone who visits 20 times.


hehe a house firewall. I think it would be useful for guild share situations that go awry, too. would be funny if it worked with a real detect hidden char, though.


That was sort of one of the major issues at my own museum. I had a guest book and also a bulletin board. Most did sign one or the other when they toured my museum on Chesapeake...unfortunately the NPC spawn up the coast of Minoc is tons of gypsies and herds of cattle goats sheep sheep herders, and an occasional wandering lizardman. My *vistor* list reached the thousands and most of that was npcs and herds and flocks of critters. I think the only way if they ever implemented it was ...only human players customers get to be part of the auto guest list......
and they really need to remove the *count* off the npcs and herds of cattle anyhow... even on the toll on house sign itself it can reach mega proportions of *visitors* when they are not even fellow customers of UO EA. . they are gypsies or cows !
So good lord if a house showed us all whom came by name............some of us would love to know whom comes visiting..but if every npc and cow and goat and wandering lizardman also end up on the list......for some of us that be a larger nightmar.. visitor list *a cow* a sheep, a goat sisthsy nona the gypsy andre the sheep herder, ogre the crabby ogre a cow a sheep a goat a goat and so on. Museums are public so I would always find a herd of goats trying to eat my runebooks on 4th floor ! HAHA *they were listed as visitors* too.

So IF they ever created this hopefully they will also *negate* all the npcs that wander in.. My home on Moonglow would list every red priest of Mondain sitting in TRAMMEL at my vendor shop barstools just gawking and waiting to find reds to heal up in Trammel
cough anyhow it ..be a long list of *visitors* ! HAHA

The only way this could work is if they negate the *visitors* count and names off em all of npcs, and herds of cattle flocks of cranes etc. which auto add to our visitor lists daily. *course I get em by the tentfulls in my Minoc home till they grasp they spawned with their tent in my livingroom then they poof outside per every 15 mins or so of tons of gypsies.


A "last 10" access tracking list for individual secure containers in a house might be a nice thing, and probably more beneficial to your original idea of things removed via exploits, but I have no idea how such a thing would affect performance when there are a staggering amount of containers in UO in player houses and such. If any exploit allowed the actual container to be unsecured of course, that wouldn't help. Further, in UO this identity tracking concept has some significant complications due to the fact that duplicate character names are allowed, and we also have the incognito spell, disguise kits, which are valid things to be used to conceal identity within the game. (They are meant to be fun game mechanics of course but could be used to bypass such a security measure, if it worked as it does currently for example, when a char writes on a bulletin board, and the "fake" identity is recorded on the board, not their actual name).

I just don't see this being practical in terms of implementation in UO the way the game currently works.




stealthing and stealing are a playstyle my freind...live with it

[/ QUOTE ]

In Fel yes, in Tram no.

There's absolutely no good reason that anyone could give for one player to go into another player's house and start checking every container in it to see if one had mistakenly been set incorrectly.

That's no different that saying it's ok for someone to steal my car because I left the door unlocked.