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Violence in Video Games and how they effect Behavior. Predictions On the upcoming Federal Studies


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An editorial piece concerning the debate on Violence in Children, Teens and Young Adults and possible ties to Violent Video games has just been posted to Central in the Editorials Tab.

In writing it, I have tried to keep this article as fair and unbiased as possible, using scientific studies, and psychological theory, in combination with historical observation as a basis of my opinion. If you wish to read the article please see it at

As always we look forward to your feed back.

Sauteed Onion

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I like these kinds of research stuffs. I would like to add though, many forget which came first; the violent video game or music, or the violent individuals predating video anything. I will not deny it is my personal belief that people with such motivations are more prone to act on said motivations when desensitized via some form of violent "media" such as video games, movies, music or that stuff people who do drugs and steal stuff listen to.

Too often somebody reads something intelligently studied and feels they become some maniacally omniscient established professional in the field of this study and are quick to cast down the blame on video games or violent cartoons or whatever and ignore that they themselves are somehow involved in the most important part of childhood development; the actual raising of the child. You can't just throw food at your baby, and put big enough clothes on it, pat their back as they walk out the door to go to school and expect them to be the finest thread in the moral fabric of your society. Thought I'd add my psycho meows in on this one.


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I like these kinds of research stuffs. I would like to add though, many forget which came first; the violent video game or music, or the violent individuals predating video anything. I will not deny it is my personal belief that people with such motivations are more prone to act on said motivations when desensitized via some form of violent "media" such as video games, movies, music or that stuff people who do drugs and steal stuff listen to.

Too often somebody reads something intelligently studied and feels they become some maniacally omniscient established professional in the field of this study and are quick to cast down the blame on video games or violent cartoons or whatever and ignore that they themselves are somehow involved in the most important part of childhood development; the actual raising of the child. You can't just throw food at your baby, and put big enough clothes on it, pat their back as they walk out the door to go to school and expect them to be the finest thread in the moral fabric of your society. Thought I'd add my psycho meows in on this one.
I'm no expert, but these are topics we've been covering heavily in my Psychology Classes lately. But I do believe that the potential to some degree is in all of us, that's what these studies show, that exposure can assist that potential in manifesting. But I also believe that parents have a responsibility to monitor and observe what types of media their children as exposed to, regardless of whether that media is in the form of film, television, literature, music or video games. I don't want the US to become a total "Nanny" state, things have gone too far already in that direction, it is why I feel that regulation to enforce ESRB/PEGI ratings for retailers are a good first step, after that things can be evaluated. If a parent is carded for the purchase of a game and told why they are carded, it might make a few of them think for a moment on if this game is appropriate for their child.


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It may just be my experience, but I have never been in a game store or big box store and NOT seen kids being denied purchases based on the ESRB label. I forgot my ID once when I was 18-19 and was turned away on an M rated game, even.

I've been carded more for video games than I have for alcohol. Though I buy a lot more video games than I do alcohol so it may not be a fair statistic.


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It may just be my experience, but I have never been in a game store or big box store and NOT seen kids being denied purchases based on the ESRB label. I forgot my ID once when I was 18-19 and was turned away on an M rated game, even.

I've been carded more for video games than I have for alcohol. Though I buy a lot more video games than I do alcohol so it may not be a fair statistic.
A lot of retailers do card, but there is no requirement for them to, and even in the big box and game stores I've seen them simply pass by carding people. Typically if a kid is with a parent they often won't but if it was mandatory, then the carding would draw the question of "Why?" and maybe more parents would reject buying games like Call of Duty, and Halo for their 8 year old. Most independent shops don't card, nor do most places that will rent it. Online retailers are not required to obtain identification to prove age either all this would change with mandatory age verification based on rating. Don't have an ID an all you could purchase is a E for Everyone rated game, they find out you are playing a M rated game purchased with a pre-paid credit card (Since you could lie about your age when setting it up) and they can ban your account for fraudulently purchasing it.


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I don't see the need for adding in a legal requirement to card for a video game.


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I don't see the need for adding in a legal requirement to card for a video game.
There is a good point. If Age ratings were enforced and carding required, then the Game industry becomes much less of a target. Requiring carding for anything above an E rated game for example allows the industry a buffer. Most of us still get to enjoy the games we play, and when something bad does happen, there is a chain of responsibility established.
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Only if you require age verification to watch the nightly news, too.


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Only if you require age verification to watch the nightly news, too.
Well, what's the alternatives? The US Government pass legislation that established a new board which reviews games, and can suppress content they deem "Violent". Right or wrong carding might be the best solution to avoid too much governmental oversight.


Always Present
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But that IS governmental oversight, and you know it'll come with its own fingers in the pie, so to speak.


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But that IS governmental oversight, and you know it'll come with its own fingers in the pie, so to speak.
Of course it is and I fully expect some type of governmental oversight to be put in place, this is something that has been building for a long time. I'm just stating that I feel mandatory carding is probably the best that can be expected, that is the bare minimum that I can see being put into place, and if something does come along that is what I hope it is instead of some knee jerk reaction that forces extreme censorship.