Village Underground Newsletter
Message From The Tribal Leaders
Please welcome all of the new people and guilds in the village. We are
excited to have new adventures and opportunities open up to our
community. We would also like to thank everyone for the hard work
they have done so far in the village.
Whats inside
- New Inhabitants
- New Guilds
- Blue Guard Changes
- Remains of Lady CaT missing?!?
- Guardians Gate Turns Up The Heat
- New Town In Malas
- Orcs Claim New Ground
- Savage observations
- New Auction House
- Crafters Hall Changes
- Town of Gyldenfeld Announcement
- Outings and Events listing
New Inhabitants
The village has a few new and returning people living in the village
along with some new faces in the village guilds.
Luna Rossa has moved into the 18x18 plot area where the
Playhouse use to be. stop by the new building that is built in the area
now called S@GE Mystic Sanctuary. Look for monthly Full Moon
Blessing on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Kire of the Blue Guard has moved back into the village this
week. He now lives at the southern border in the Blue Guard
Fortress. His home is equipped with a stables and dueling pit area.
Salivern Diago is a new face to the village. He now owns the
old graveyard spot. The new building that is still under construction is
to be a monastery. Village rumor is that Templars will be the new
residence of that area.
Sandman has built a new 7x8 home next to the Blue Guard
Headquarters. The area is a new park with a statue area of the
village founders. You will also be able to find a book in the building
with village history soon.
Tiger Lily has taken up the second command position within
the Blue Guard. She will also be helping maintain different village
functions soon.
Vek The Savage is a new face seen around the village. She
seems to be a part of the Tonkaweya Tribe. We will attempt to find
out more information on her soon.
Grace O'Malley has been seen around the area this week.
From what we can gather she is the leader of the Skeleton Key
Shipping Company.
New Guilds
Skeleton Key Shipping Company- Our shipping and trading Company transports goods
across land and sea for profit. We hire the best men and women to
handle our shipments and to complete various jobs.
Society of Ancestral Guardian Elders- S@GE has always been built on a rock-hard
foundation of honor, cooperation, strength of character, and respect.
It is by these guiding concepts that we hope to make our way in any
Blue Guard Changes
On November 8, 2009 the Oku Blue Guard changed its name to Blue
Guard. The guard still continues to do all the things it has in the past.
It also carries over its history from over 4 years. The guard has
appointed a new Lieutenant. Tiger Lily is now the second in
command of the Blue Guard. Please make her feel welcome.
A new fortress has been constructed on the southern side of the
village. It hosts the village stables and dueling pit. It may have other
functions in the future.
Remains of Lady CaT missing?!?
During the grave transfers from the old graveyard to the new one
Lady Cat's coffin was dropped. The lid to the coffin flew off. These
sort of accidents happen but the bizarre thing was the remains of
the once powerful Mage Lady CaT were not inside! Village
necromancers are being questioned by an appointed Tribal
investigation team.
Guardians Gate Turns On The Heat
Angus the leader of Guardians Gate publicly announced his
dissatisfaction with Kijustsu Anei Village protection and moral
standards. Last week he went on record with Merik of the CNN.
"The village in our view has spun out of control! Different factions
settle upon the land adding instability to an already unstable area in
our view. Citizens of our own city are attacked or stolen from daily
in the village. Now with the new gate connecting our two areas
some of this has started to bleed over into our streets. This is
unacceptable! The tribal leadership is so separated that it is almost
impossible to find who is in charge and who to hold accountable.
Guardians Gate city will not stand by and watch the area become
more unstable. The city is prepared to take action against the
inhabitants of the village.
The village has one week to adhere and implement the following.
If this does not happen we will take action by sending in forces to
occupy the village and bring chaos to order."
1. Officially notice the Blue Guard as the Villages law enforcers.
2. Cease and Desist all acts of Piracy, Raiding and Stealing in the Village.
3. Create an official Village government recognized by more than
80% of the population.
New Town In Malas
The New Town Cimmerian Pass has opened up. It will have a library,
town hall, working ankh, bar, jail, working stables, and inn. It is
located at the mountain pass between Luna and Umbra city. If you
have trouble just look for the stable and inn Npc building.
Orcs Claim New Ground
The Arg'nath Og'nar Clan demolished the fort that was located on
the southern border of the village next to the savage. From what
some could understand this was done because they were wanted a
recall challenge. Savages were to weak but, still they plan to clomp
them. They destroyed the fort so the smelly savages wouldn't be
able to use it. The new Fort is located in the Northern area of
Kijustsu Anei Village.
Savage Observations
It has been noticed that the savage population has started to increase. They have
also begun construction of a new building behind Niva's Hunting Lodge.
New Auction House
The village is working on restarting an auction house in the area. The
H-J rune library was chosen as the location to host the event. Final
details are still being worked out.
Crafters Hall Changes
The crafters hall is now seeking people to help run its furniture store.
Anyone interested can contact OkuC leadership. The hall itself has
been re-done to allow members to have secure chests to store
items and work out of the hall. The hall is now unable to be
customized again without the full written permission of Lady Angelica.
Town of Gyldenfeld Announcement
Just like last year, Santa will be stopping off in Sosaria at the Red
Wolf Cafe in Gyldenfeld sometime soon. Good little PK's and bad
little orcs should all be working on their Christmas lists of what they
would like from Santa.
Outings and Events listing
All Shards Tavern Night - Tuesday at 9:00pm EST at the Iron Bandit Inn. Mini event "Wake The Dead Ritual"
Blue Light Tavern Adventure Night - Thursday 8:20pm EST at the Blue Light Tavern. Event Primeval Liche Spawn in the Abyss
Savage Sponsored Hunt - Tuesday at 10:20pm EST at Nivas Hunting Lodge. Hunting spot will be decided once all gather.
Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to read our news letter. Kijustsu Anei
Village is located on the Chesapeake shard, Tokuno Islands,
Homare-Jima. Please feel free to visit us at Uoforums under the
Chesapeake Guilds section. Any questions you may have you can
also post there as well.
Message From The Tribal Leaders
Please welcome all of the new people and guilds in the village. We are
excited to have new adventures and opportunities open up to our
community. We would also like to thank everyone for the hard work
they have done so far in the village.
Whats inside
- New Inhabitants
- New Guilds
- Blue Guard Changes
- Remains of Lady CaT missing?!?
- Guardians Gate Turns Up The Heat
- New Town In Malas
- Orcs Claim New Ground
- Savage observations
- New Auction House
- Crafters Hall Changes
- Town of Gyldenfeld Announcement
- Outings and Events listing
New Inhabitants
The village has a few new and returning people living in the village
along with some new faces in the village guilds.
Luna Rossa has moved into the 18x18 plot area where the
Playhouse use to be. stop by the new building that is built in the area
now called S@GE Mystic Sanctuary. Look for monthly Full Moon
Blessing on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Kire of the Blue Guard has moved back into the village this
week. He now lives at the southern border in the Blue Guard
Fortress. His home is equipped with a stables and dueling pit area.
Salivern Diago is a new face to the village. He now owns the
old graveyard spot. The new building that is still under construction is
to be a monastery. Village rumor is that Templars will be the new
residence of that area.
Sandman has built a new 7x8 home next to the Blue Guard
Headquarters. The area is a new park with a statue area of the
village founders. You will also be able to find a book in the building
with village history soon.
Tiger Lily has taken up the second command position within
the Blue Guard. She will also be helping maintain different village
functions soon.
Vek The Savage is a new face seen around the village. She
seems to be a part of the Tonkaweya Tribe. We will attempt to find
out more information on her soon.
Grace O'Malley has been seen around the area this week.
From what we can gather she is the leader of the Skeleton Key
Shipping Company.
New Guilds
Skeleton Key Shipping Company- Our shipping and trading Company transports goods
across land and sea for profit. We hire the best men and women to
handle our shipments and to complete various jobs.
Society of Ancestral Guardian Elders- S@GE has always been built on a rock-hard
foundation of honor, cooperation, strength of character, and respect.
It is by these guiding concepts that we hope to make our way in any
Blue Guard Changes
On November 8, 2009 the Oku Blue Guard changed its name to Blue
Guard. The guard still continues to do all the things it has in the past.
It also carries over its history from over 4 years. The guard has
appointed a new Lieutenant. Tiger Lily is now the second in
command of the Blue Guard. Please make her feel welcome.
A new fortress has been constructed on the southern side of the
village. It hosts the village stables and dueling pit. It may have other
functions in the future.
Remains of Lady CaT missing?!?
During the grave transfers from the old graveyard to the new one
Lady Cat's coffin was dropped. The lid to the coffin flew off. These
sort of accidents happen but the bizarre thing was the remains of
the once powerful Mage Lady CaT were not inside! Village
necromancers are being questioned by an appointed Tribal
investigation team.
Guardians Gate Turns On The Heat
Angus the leader of Guardians Gate publicly announced his
dissatisfaction with Kijustsu Anei Village protection and moral
standards. Last week he went on record with Merik of the CNN.
"The village in our view has spun out of control! Different factions
settle upon the land adding instability to an already unstable area in
our view. Citizens of our own city are attacked or stolen from daily
in the village. Now with the new gate connecting our two areas
some of this has started to bleed over into our streets. This is
unacceptable! The tribal leadership is so separated that it is almost
impossible to find who is in charge and who to hold accountable.
Guardians Gate city will not stand by and watch the area become
more unstable. The city is prepared to take action against the
inhabitants of the village.
The village has one week to adhere and implement the following.
If this does not happen we will take action by sending in forces to
occupy the village and bring chaos to order."
1. Officially notice the Blue Guard as the Villages law enforcers.
2. Cease and Desist all acts of Piracy, Raiding and Stealing in the Village.
3. Create an official Village government recognized by more than
80% of the population.
New Town In Malas
The New Town Cimmerian Pass has opened up. It will have a library,
town hall, working ankh, bar, jail, working stables, and inn. It is
located at the mountain pass between Luna and Umbra city. If you
have trouble just look for the stable and inn Npc building.
Orcs Claim New Ground
The Arg'nath Og'nar Clan demolished the fort that was located on
the southern border of the village next to the savage. From what
some could understand this was done because they were wanted a
recall challenge. Savages were to weak but, still they plan to clomp
them. They destroyed the fort so the smelly savages wouldn't be
able to use it. The new Fort is located in the Northern area of
Kijustsu Anei Village.
Savage Observations
It has been noticed that the savage population has started to increase. They have
also begun construction of a new building behind Niva's Hunting Lodge.
New Auction House
The village is working on restarting an auction house in the area. The
H-J rune library was chosen as the location to host the event. Final
details are still being worked out.
Crafters Hall Changes
The crafters hall is now seeking people to help run its furniture store.
Anyone interested can contact OkuC leadership. The hall itself has
been re-done to allow members to have secure chests to store
items and work out of the hall. The hall is now unable to be
customized again without the full written permission of Lady Angelica.
Town of Gyldenfeld Announcement
Just like last year, Santa will be stopping off in Sosaria at the Red
Wolf Cafe in Gyldenfeld sometime soon. Good little PK's and bad
little orcs should all be working on their Christmas lists of what they
would like from Santa.
Outings and Events listing
All Shards Tavern Night - Tuesday at 9:00pm EST at the Iron Bandit Inn. Mini event "Wake The Dead Ritual"
Blue Light Tavern Adventure Night - Thursday 8:20pm EST at the Blue Light Tavern. Event Primeval Liche Spawn in the Abyss
Savage Sponsored Hunt - Tuesday at 10:20pm EST at Nivas Hunting Lodge. Hunting spot will be decided once all gather.
Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to read our news letter. Kijustsu Anei
Village is located on the Chesapeake shard, Tokuno Islands,
Homare-Jima. Please feel free to visit us at Uoforums under the
Chesapeake Guilds section. Any questions you may have you can
also post there as well.