Patrol Guard Ceremony
Wednesday, December 21st 2011 @ 8pm ET
Kijustsu Anei Village, Homare Tokuno
Located: The lawn/road area by the Crafter's Hall and the Christmas Tree
This Wednesday at 8pm ET, The Village will hold a patrol guard ceremony for the new commander Mark West and his newly appointed Deputy Tanivar, second in command.
There may be some fun and games involved with maybe some small prizes in the games. We shall be doing a basic patrol of the village as well to re-familiarize those who have done it before,
and show the newcomers to the village patrol how to patrol the village. Be prepared, who knows what may come. It'll be an good ceremony with good company!
List of Tower Commanders and where:
Alpha Crafters Hall: Sarberius
Beta Teleport Hub: Pooper
Charlie Nivas Hunting Lodge: Niva the Savage
Delta Mr Cleans house: Mr. Clean
Echo Mage Tower: Tanivar