We thought we would share this information with everyone. Perhaps others might become interested. Everyone is welcome to come even if you don't live in Kijustsu Anei Village. Please note we are not reserving this time slot or anything. This is just a general start time our community should be around in larger numbers.
(Original posting and concept by Sari-Liane)
From here on in, every day at 7-8EST is our Village Hour. we would like as many people online and in the town during this hour doing stuff that villages would... Guard patrolling, Barmaids serving, Carpenters carpenting, lumberers lumbering... Farmers driving cattle, Mages learning and casting... I'm sure you get the idea.
Its a great way to socialize and show's.. "Hey we're here... and we're a community!". I'm sure those who was at the meeting remember my little speech about only those towns with a sense of community should be worthy of being given a banner and teleporter... and currently... we do-not.
So come on guys, lets get the village active and not just a set of boring houses, give Kijustsu some life and soul!
(Addition to his original post from Gareth)
This can be time when you train a new character, grow your plants, repair armor, re-decorate, torture the Savages etc. So do not think of it as a event you feel forced to attend. Think of it as a time when you can get your side projects done. Also once the hour is over it does not have to just end. It can go for as long as your heart desires.

Ethereal Void Imperium Forums Link
*Added the top bold paragraph since people became confused*
(Original posting and concept by Sari-Liane)
From here on in, every day at 7-8EST is our Village Hour. we would like as many people online and in the town during this hour doing stuff that villages would... Guard patrolling, Barmaids serving, Carpenters carpenting, lumberers lumbering... Farmers driving cattle, Mages learning and casting... I'm sure you get the idea.
Its a great way to socialize and show's.. "Hey we're here... and we're a community!". I'm sure those who was at the meeting remember my little speech about only those towns with a sense of community should be worthy of being given a banner and teleporter... and currently... we do-not.
So come on guys, lets get the village active and not just a set of boring houses, give Kijustsu some life and soul!
(Addition to his original post from Gareth)
This can be time when you train a new character, grow your plants, repair armor, re-decorate, torture the Savages etc. So do not think of it as a event you feel forced to attend. Think of it as a time when you can get your side projects done. Also once the hour is over it does not have to just end. It can go for as long as your heart desires.

Ethereal Void Imperium Forums Link
*Added the top bold paragraph since people became confused*