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(Player Event) Vesper Grizzly Bear Hunt 9/24/2015 @ 6pm est

Lord Bytor

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail ! I am pleased to announce the Vesper Grizzly Bear Hunt on Thursday the 24th from 6 to 8pm est.

We will meet at the Vesper Mint @ 5:50pm est, where the rules will be stated and any questions answered. The Grizzly Bear Event is open to any skill level, whether it be your craftier or your seasoned warrior type. You may kill the regular Grizzly Bears or the Vesper Grizzly Bears, that have been conjured from a Evil Orc Shaman from their loathsome base in Cove, for those that desire a challenge. This is a PEC Event.

Rules :

* Only your heaviest hunting permit will count. So please only turn in your one heaviest permit and not all of them to me.
*Please hold your permits to the end and hand over only your heaviest one.
* You may hunt regular Grizzly Bears or Vesper Grizzly Bears if you prefer a Challenge !
*You must buy your own hunting permits.
* Only the permits that have Vesper in the recorded location will count : Everything in Red Should say Vesper on your permit.


Prizes : updated 9/18/2015

1st Place for Heaviest - 10 million Gold
2nd Place Heaviest - 6 million Gold
3rd Place heaviest - 2 million Gold

This Event is designed for anyone to participate, whether it be your craftier or heavy duty warrior.
You may choose to hunt either regular Grizzly Bears or Vesper Grizzly Bears if you desire a challenge.

I hope to see you all there. Any questions please feel free to ask in this thread or if you need to PM me.



Last edited:

Lord Bytor

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am very happy to announce that due to a generous donation from Coleostro of the K^S Guild, the Prize Money has been doubled.

1st Place for Heaviest - 10 million Gold
2nd Place Heaviest - 6 million Gold
3rd Place heaviest - 2 million Gold

Thank you Cole :)


Lord Bytor

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is Today. Meet @ 5:50pm est at Vesper Mint. Starts at 6pm est and goes till 8:30pm est. Hope to see you there :)

1st Place for Heaviest - 10 million Gold
2nd Place Heaviest - 6 million Gold
3rd Place heaviest - 2 million Gold

Lord Bytor

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you All for showing up tonight and making this Event a success. Special Thank You to PEC Wraith. You are awesome :)

Winners :
* NightWind - 775 pounds - 10 Million
* DaBoss - -755 pounds - 6 Million
* Jakar Arminius - 665 pounds - 2 Million

Congrats to you all :)







Honorable Mentions :

* Lord Perrin - 660 pounds
* Cyana Black - 655 pounds
* Lace 640 - pounds
* Ezra Grimm - 525 pounds

Thank you all again for coming to the Event. Working on next month's Event. There will be a normal spawn, a tough Red Spawn and a Crazy Rabid Spawn so Good Luck to you all next month.
