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Very confused with pet training....


Stratics Veteran
my apologies, but I have been looking through the thread and can't find anything concrete....

I have a 2 slot reptalon that i'd like to train for champ spawn (I know cu is better, but rept looks cool imo).

what can I add that won't take away his dragon breath or his paralyze? I really want this guy to be able to aoe clear lesser mobs.

tyvm for any info

Gabriel Rowe

you can add 1 skill and 1 magic ability, you wont lose either skill it comes preloaded w/. Also Cu's are great but not always perfect for every situation, a group of 3-4 reptalons can stun lock some mob's/bosses, cu's can't do this easily. Keep searching the forums and you will find a wealth of info that has been provided by people much more knowledgeable than me =).


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chivalry is the new fad. Put chivalry on it. They do not have as much mana regen as a Lesser.

It will be a fine pet no matter what you do.


Stratics Veteran
Good morning, if you do decide to make the 2 slot rep a chiv one make sure you add armor ignore , then chiv .. other wise chiv will be counted as your 3rd move instead of a school of magic and block you from adding Armor ignore... They might not have the super mana regen of a lesser hiryu but a 2 slot reps para stun lock can be a lot of fun.. =^-^=


I too was very confused. My newb advice... try it out on a few pets that you train fresh. You will screw it up... learn from it and try again. Dont start with an old pet. Find teh crazed Mage in Shame level 3. Oh and have fun with it...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When the tough stuff comes out, you are killing one at a time usually. My Chiv lesser gets surrounded by the lower stuff and has no problems.