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Venomous bite vs Poison breath


Hi fellow tamers, I have read the descriptions for both of the captioned skills but can't really figure out their differences when in action. Anyone knows what are the key differences of these two skills please?

Many thanks!


Stratics Veteran
Good morning Zepheus, the key difference between the two is breath is a ranged attack.. sadly its been nerfed a few times since it landed in pub 97 because of PvP... so it has somewhat of a cooldown and limited range and will only effect things your pet has direct agro with now... V, Bite is a melee cleve aoe poison that will hit everything within 6 in game steps of your pet .. if its aggroed or not...... it tends to proc a lot more then breath these days and I find it to be more effective since the countless nerfs to breath.. .. but depending on the build ya wish to make I would make a copy of the pet to test and try both and see which one fits your plat style better.... Hope this helps , mate.. =^-^=


Crazed Zealot
I have an older Naja with both of these, plus Slashing I think (from prior to the slashing off on naj, seems to do ok poisoning everything near and far, but have not tested recently..