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Vendor trouble


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Ok ..... I'm really not sure where to post this so I'm doing it here. Perhaps there is someone who can help me out.

Here's the trouble. Several weeks ago a house fell... It was in a very nice spot near my other homes so I decided to place there.

Trouble was the house that fell left behind a vendor... this used to never be a problem..... used to be infact that if I placed a plot over a vendor it caused them to automatically vanish and often leave all their belonings on the ground...

Well I placed the plot and the vendor went under the house sign...... no big deal... I logged out went to bed.

Next day I log in the stinking vendor has "relocated" herself to the middle of my new plot... I can't seem to move her. Infact I can't do anything at all with her.

I get a bit irritated with her since hey she's not mine.... Now I've never ever owned a vendor I really don't know how the silly things work... so eventually I get tired of looking at her and decide to just do the design anyway and ignore her.....

So I go into deco mode and she vanishes.... NO big deal I do some design but decide not to commit just yet..... and find she's in the moving crate... not only is she there but each and everytime I walk near the house I get a "notice" as to her whereabouts.. like I care.... So I ignore it. Not my vendor.... I figure she'll vanish eventually since no one is buying anything and NO one is paying her.

So a few weeks go by and I haven't really done anything with the house but I find a nice new plot even bigger... much nicer..... so I decide to move...

So now I have a vendor that isn't mine, that doesn't have a rental contract with me sitting in my storage crate... I want to collapse my house and get the money back.. but I can't..... I have something in the moving crate.... So I'm like Doh!.... I tried to take her out and put her somewhere but now it just says that there are 103 hours left to "claim"..... I'm assuming that means she's in the throws of death... however I don't have 103 hours before the house falls.... How can I get rid of her without taking 6 hours waiting for the GM..???

I really want to drop the plot.

This is totally why I don't ever have vendors.... they are such a pain.... can't folk clean up after themselves?

You know..... EA/UO needs to hire someone like me who's a bit OCD to travel about to all the shards and clean up the 100's of homeless vendors, the thousands of items stuck to the terrain that shouldn't be there..... umteen million statues, paintings and other random garbage... fix all the missing tiles in places like corners of buildings, all the floor pieces that have been mysteriously "left out" put doors back on some buildings like they should be and other odd jobs that need doing so people like me don't get into such a pickle like this.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
many of those things are considered local color... they make the shards different.

Jaleesa January

"So now I have a vendor that isn't mine, that doesn't have a rental contract with me sitting in my storage crate... I want to collapse my house and get the money back.. but I can't..... I have something in the moving crate.... So I'm like Doh!.... I tried to take her out and put her somewhere but now it just says that there are 103 hours left to "claim"..... I'm assuming that means she's in the throws of death... however I don't have 103 hours before the house falls.... How can I get rid of her without taking 6 hours waiting for the GM..???"

If you really wish to place at the new location, reduce your current plot to the smallest size possible or to the fewest tiles possible and simply place at the new location when it's ready.

You will now own 2 houses on the same account so the house with the vendor will begin to decay and fall in 5 days or so.

It would be a matter of losing the cost of the plot versus waiting on a GM for 6 or more hours AND/OR losing the new plot while you wait for the vendor to die a slow death.

I have found that owning 2 houses on the same account means you must wait out the 7day new placement timer, but then I probably never tried to place after 5 days when the first house had fallen.

If you do decide to place the new plot and let the old plot decay, be prepared to sit the new house for 7 whole days before you relocate again just in case.

Ok so I did a little math and 103 hours divided by 24 hours equals 4.291 (and a whole bunch of sixes) days of vendor life left.

It seems as though it's possible for you to place at the new site then drop the old house in 4 days (or less depending on when you place the new plot) AFTER the vendor is poofed so that you may collect the vendor goodies AND recover the cost of your old plot as well.

I'd have to agree with you that some environmental clean up is in order for UO.

Personally I wish they'd start with houses that contain only 2 lines of text rather than the 3 lines of text that was implemented after AOS.

I vaguely recall a Stratics post during one phase of the housing changes that came after AOS that asked about houses that failed to change from 2 lines of text to the three lines we have now and the Dev or Community rep reponse was that they were staff owned houses THAT WOULD BE FALLING at some point.

Yet here we are all these years later and they're still standing.

I've never seen a soul inside any of them other than myself but I have seen a cursor hand on a table inside one of them on Pac. Not sure where those came from but if these are former staff owned houses goodness knows what may be inside some of them.

Neon leather dye tubs maybe...?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this happened to me at my current house but kind of a bit different..
i was given a house and it had 2 vendors in it with contracts.. the contracts had like 20 some days left and the current owner did not want to wait to drop the house to make it bigger as the space would fit a 18x18 so he gave it to me..

i waited the days thinking that they would just dissapear one day, and they did.. i then went to drop the house to make it a custom plot and it complained about the crate so i checked and one of the vendors had a check for 500k and the other one had a check for 300k.. :)

so after the 103 hours you get the inventory, maybe it will have a nice check.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try to use the context menu on the house sign (not the house sign menu, but accessed by single clicking the house sign while you're on the plot) and try to replace the vendor. If you can do that you can probably collect their gold and then dismiss them. Double click the vendor to get their menu then see how much gold they have on them and type "name gold" or go thru the menu to get the gold, then when they ask how much type the number. Now you can type "name dismiss" or dismiss them thru their menu.


If the vendor is in your crate, have you tried clicking yourself to place it back in your house then try to dismiss it?

I had that happen with a house I placed, vendor somehow became mine, so I just placed it (from the crate) then dismissed it

*edits* oh, I didn't see Sarsmi's post, I thought you had to click on yourself to replace, not the sign =) ignore me ;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the vendor is in your crate, have you tried clicking yourself to place it back in your house then try to dismiss it?

I had that happen with a house I placed, vendor somehow became mine, so I just placed it (from the crate) then dismissed it

*edits* oh, I didn't see Sarsmi's post, I thought you had to click on yourself to replace, not the sign =) ignore me ;)
Actually now that you mention it, I'm not sure! It could be on the character's context menu. I've had a terrible headache the past couple days and my brain is a little mushy right now. :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Actually now that you mention it, I'm not sure! It could be on the character's context menu. I've had a terrible headache the past couple days and my brain is a little mushy right now. :p
Unfortunately I tried clicking the vendor... but since it's not mine I can't access it... I tried placing the vendor but it doesn't give me the option just says it has so many hours left. I already placed the other house and so this one will fall before the 103 hours is up... so I can't drop the house, can't place the vendor.... and can't get it out of my house sign... Unless I want to wait 6 hours for a GM... but I'd rather be farming Mini's in Tokuno.

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually you can page the GM and go farm minors in Tok until the GM responds. They will find you at any location in the game so page the GM go farm minors and maybe all will be well. At least you can rake in some minors while you wait ever so patiently those 6 hours :). If you do not get a messaged response and a GM does show go back to your house and they will follow to help fix the issue. Good Luck