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[Discussion] Vendor spots on foreign shards.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all I was wondering if we could start a thread of people that had vendor houses in luna on different shards.

If you have a vendor house in luna and dont mind helping people out please post your info here and Ill add it to the list.

When this list gets to 20 Ill reorganize it by shard.

Info needed.

1. Shard
2. weekly rate
3. a way to contact you
4. hours available.

Once i get a couple people ill revamp this and make it into a list.

Thank you.

1. @Captn Norrington
Shard: Atlantic
Weekly Rate: 250k front row free for everything else.
Contact: Email [email protected] or ICQ 678566021 (email is easiest way)
Hours available: Saturday nights are the best time.

2. @TanAge
Shard: Drachenfels
Weekly Rate: 50k
Contact: ICQ - 37534788
Hours Available: Everyday

3. @Longtooths
Shard: Atlantic
Weekly Rate: Depends on Availability
Contact: ICQ - 242966771 Email - [email protected]
Hours Available: Almost always

4. @Queen Arya
Shard: Lake Austin
Weekly Rate: Free as long as its kept stocked everyday
Contact: PM Here on Stratics

5. @takesh
Shard: Atlantic
Weekly Rate: 150k
Contact: ICQ - 689163126
Hours Available: anytime after 4pm eastern.

6. @Shumer
Shard: Izumo Closest Home to Luna Gate
Weekly Rate: Free as long as vendors are kept stocked
Contact: ICQ - 64000368
Hours Available: Everyday asap

7. @Avery Chessy
Shard: Chessy
Weekly Rate: Free as long as vendors are kept stocked
Contact: ICQ - 146416110

8. @Daegan
Shard: Napa Valley
Weekly Rate: Free as long as vendors are kept stocked
Contact: PM here on stratics.

9. @Flutter
Shard: Catskills
Weekly Rate: Free as long as vendors are kept stocked (250k for bank vendors)
Contact: ICQ 95129146
Hours Available: After 1:00pm eastern Usually
Last edited:


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Free(if you are active and stock - 250K/wk for banking vendor)
95129146 or here
My hours are weird. Usually up late, not available until after 1pm central most days.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When this list gets to 20 ill reorganize it by shard.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bump... i know more of you have vendors houses....