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Vendor costume contest Sakura Rares Fest


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Sakura Rares Fest 2012 will be held January.6th 7h 8th
We are planning event the vendors Costume contest.

Location Sakura Shard Luna South Gate Non genre Vendor House
Date December 28th 2011-January.8th
(Japan time December 27th-January.9th)

Vendor costume Theme : Christmas or New year

RULE = It becomes Vendor costume contest entry simultaneously with your vendor opening.
These are NOT Rares vendor House
you can sell all sorts of your goods, but can NOT SELL BUG's. And we ask your ICQ number when to open your vendor.
it’s a Vendor costume contes, but we will be disqualified nothing is for sale or naked on that vendor.
(At least your vendor have to equip bascinet)

Entries begins 29/12 2011

Entries will be terminated at the maximum 50 entries.
Will determine the winner by voting from owners of rares vendor.

The prize winner will be a gift from festival organizers.

The 1st place : Special Hair Dye color of Awesome
The 2nd place : Special Hair Dye color of Nice
The 3rd place : Skull With Candle
Shoots Flame-strike when Double clicked

Reference image

Prizes may be subject to change. Please note.

Voting begins : 1/1 2012
Voting deadline : 1/7 2012 10pm EST

After determining your favorites, Please deposit the Notebook in the normal items vendor house's Post with written your favorite vendor name , your name and your rares vendor code.

To get the right to vote for vendors Costume contest.
Rares Vendor Reservations are required

Voting begins : 1/1 2012
Voting deadline : 1/7 2012 10pm EST

Aggregate results will be announced in the rares festival closing ceremony

Any questions Feel free to contact
blend ICQ# 491537457