I had 1 vendor of 6, in my own home, that went underpaid and was sent to the moving crate. It had no goods on it at the time. I came here and found info on how to replace the vendor and after much fuss finally did so. I left the vendor empty of goods, but put about 3k gold on it to keep it from seeking out the moving crate again. 2 or 3 days went by and I happened to recall home and found the vendor had went poof! There was a backpack with its clothing and the 2 empty pouches I had left on it. Under the backpack was about 2800 gold. And I can't remember for sure, but I think the vendor deed was there too. I seem to remember throwing it in the trash can so as not to be bothered with the contrary vendor again.
Explanations of what happened?
Explanations of what happened?