I've had this hard drive kicking around for a while, but never did manage to access it.
Anyway, now I have, so here are a few pictures...
This was taken during some nutcase invasion of bandits and lesser creatures which hit various places including Jhelom. I think the mounted chaps in the green cloaks represented the Skara Brae Rangers (SBR), thoroughly good bunch of people.
I suppose I liked how this tower was decorated, go figure.
The ground floor of the same tower, but watch out, this floor has a pig's head. I remember finding this pretty damn fantastic.
More of the bandit invasion, this time at Magicina (?) docks. Good old Cepeleon there manning the rudder, proud member of the CLOWN guild, another fine bunch of people.
Yeah ! You 'ruddy daemon bone wearing ARSE ! Yeah !
Riches for the waffles. I don't think this is one of my characters, but rather a picture sent by a friend to show off how many hot hot loots he/she possessed.
Another picture from a friend, this time underlining how Britannia's other Valentines were faring.
Black doublet, nightmare cloth pants, black sandals. Lets go !
(This was my main character prior to creating Kas Valentine to better integrate with the roleplaying community. I also had to Stop Typing Everything Like This Because People Found It Incredibly Annoying).
A depiction of my character as imagined by the UO artist Gladstone. You basically sent him a picture of your paperdoll (the picture you see above this one) and a short description. I think I e-mailed saying I liked to help people as best as I could, and this is what he sent back. The red hair was later added by Orangebeard, so cheers you Scottish legend you.
Awwww yeeeeahhhhhh, got my own daemon bone now !
S'Orangebeard standing beside Max, looking very fresh, we always did love our nightmare cloth. If memory recalls it was his daemon bone too, heh.
My small holding on the island of Eden (the big island east of Marble Island outside Britain), a small player run town I participated in with some friends.
My log cabin in Trammel (Yew moongate is literally half a screen to the northwest).
Upstairs in the log cabin. I later sold the house for 2.2 million, contents included, because I couldn't be bothered moving all my possessions. I believe this character also owned the guild abbreviation [Yew] at one point, I sold that too. For 200,000gp if I remember rightly, to a neighbour a couple of houses to the north.
Speaking of Yew....
To the best of my knowledge, Max Freshwater is the only character I ever had in the Guardsmen Militia (you guessed it, a great bunch of people). Cool UK had never been granted admission under the rule of Llemandrell, so I had a great time acting as a makeshift bartender, albeit briefly.
Hrm, I can't seem to enter any more text, so I'll add the rest of the pictures in a reply to this message.
Anyway, now I have, so here are a few pictures...
This was taken during some nutcase invasion of bandits and lesser creatures which hit various places including Jhelom. I think the mounted chaps in the green cloaks represented the Skara Brae Rangers (SBR), thoroughly good bunch of people.
I suppose I liked how this tower was decorated, go figure.
The ground floor of the same tower, but watch out, this floor has a pig's head. I remember finding this pretty damn fantastic.
More of the bandit invasion, this time at Magicina (?) docks. Good old Cepeleon there manning the rudder, proud member of the CLOWN guild, another fine bunch of people.
Yeah ! You 'ruddy daemon bone wearing ARSE ! Yeah !
Riches for the waffles. I don't think this is one of my characters, but rather a picture sent by a friend to show off how many hot hot loots he/she possessed.
Another picture from a friend, this time underlining how Britannia's other Valentines were faring.
Black doublet, nightmare cloth pants, black sandals. Lets go !
(This was my main character prior to creating Kas Valentine to better integrate with the roleplaying community. I also had to Stop Typing Everything Like This Because People Found It Incredibly Annoying).
A depiction of my character as imagined by the UO artist Gladstone. You basically sent him a picture of your paperdoll (the picture you see above this one) and a short description. I think I e-mailed saying I liked to help people as best as I could, and this is what he sent back. The red hair was later added by Orangebeard, so cheers you Scottish legend you.
Awwww yeeeeahhhhhh, got my own daemon bone now !
S'Orangebeard standing beside Max, looking very fresh, we always did love our nightmare cloth. If memory recalls it was his daemon bone too, heh.
My small holding on the island of Eden (the big island east of Marble Island outside Britain), a small player run town I participated in with some friends.
My log cabin in Trammel (Yew moongate is literally half a screen to the northwest).
Upstairs in the log cabin. I later sold the house for 2.2 million, contents included, because I couldn't be bothered moving all my possessions. I believe this character also owned the guild abbreviation [Yew] at one point, I sold that too. For 200,000gp if I remember rightly, to a neighbour a couple of houses to the north.
Speaking of Yew....
To the best of my knowledge, Max Freshwater is the only character I ever had in the Guardsmen Militia (you guessed it, a great bunch of people). Cool UK had never been granted admission under the rule of Llemandrell, so I had a great time acting as a makeshift bartender, albeit briefly.
Hrm, I can't seem to enter any more text, so I'll add the rest of the pictures in a reply to this message.
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