you wont get them sold in a week, unless at a very low price. resists pieces like that, with no "perks" dont sell super fast, but rather people buy them to fit into a suit.
Your ideal resist piece will have lmc, lrc, resists, then mods.
You dont have any super high end ones, but some are nice.
The "good" ones , with lmc and lrc i wanna say worth between 5 - 30mil (depending on how well they fit into what pricerange of suit)
The ones with no lrc, but lmc and regens worth less.
Then ones with no lmc are the least valuable in my opinion. maybe 100 - 500k
Those are just my opinions with resists pieces of course.
Either sell cheap to someone who uses them as "options" for future suits, or get a good price for someone looking for a specific piece.