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Vanished insured objects


Hi ... just to know if it's a known bug or I was hit by some strange game mechanics ...
Yesterday during the event in Europa I died in all that mess, when I rez alot of things was not on my char anymore ... about 3 weapons (just crafted, spent millions :( ), arcane dress etc .. of course I'm 100% sure that everything was insured. I wasn't able to reach the body because it was right in the middle where the boss was, with a huge amount of players and everytime it was insta death again.
I paged a GM but of course they don't give lost stuff back.
What could have happened ? Just to avoid in the future to loose millions again like that .. Thx ;)
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If you died a bunch of times and didn't have enough gold to cover it, the item insurance renewal might have not happened on all your items (only the stuff you had enough gold to cover) the second to last time you died. When you died the last time those items dropped because they weren't insured.