This may come off as a lil brash so take it with a grain of salt. However, i dont know who's playing this game nemore. Do any of you even realize what the original creator's intentions were for this game? and how askew this game has got? I played when there was a real reason to play, everyone was broke, no one had items, u had a bank box full of weapons and no armor and u just traveled the world killing or being killed. If you placed a house and got killed, ur house key could be looted and everything in side it.
I realize this game is basically in the dumpster but dont talk to the ppl who've played in since its inception, and tell them not to play by fel rules. If you enter into Fel it is a risk you take. If you dont insure your items, there is no obligation to give them back. If you place a house in fel and it falls ppl have every right to fight over it and loot. If you place in tram those ppl will loot as well, although i find tram idocs rather boring. So stop complaining about things that happen in fel, and this isnt just for you. Its for all the complaints ive heard over the last few months about things happening in fel, and we are all A**holes. Be glad u even have insurance, and be smart enough to insure ur items.
I come to tram, i play by trammie rules and im nice and helpful to pretty much anyone when im there. Fel is completely different and i play by that ruleset, kill or be killed. Dont come to Fel, Dont place in Fel, Dont bother with Fel if you cant do the same, sooo tired of this complaining.