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[Discussion] Valorite bullion

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

I have wanted this pile of ingots for awhile.
But now I wonder if I have it aready.

Chessy 2011 Valorite Bullion (12).

I have two 5-stack of ingots in valoritish colour.
But none of them say "valorite bullion"

Anyone have a pic of valorite bullion?
Does it say anything if klick on it?

All info on this item is mostly welcomed.

The Scandinavian


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
some were labeled like that and some were not both from same event


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are pics of mine. I gave it a good hard klick and it didn't say anything.
forge.PNG highlight.PNG

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for information.

Gheed,you are not making fun of the fact that my fantastic mother gave me birth in Scandinavia,are you?
May I see you valorite bullion and make a pic?
I have a all my ingots pixels listed in a excel sheet.

One of my valoritish 5stack ingots pile is labeled iron ingots.
Is it possible that it could be valorite bullion or have EMs made 3 almost identical 5stack ingots pile?

The Scandinavian


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for information.

Gheed,you are not making fun of the fact that my fantastic mother gave me birth in Scandinavia,are you?
May I see you valorite bullion and make a pic?
I have a all my ingots pixels listed in a excel sheet.

One of my valoritish 5stack ingots pile is labeled iron ingots.
Is it possible that it could be valorite bullion or have EMs made 3 almost identical 5stack ingots pile?

The Scandinavian

Oh no I do not intend to offend :) The ingots are at my Luna house on Catskills. Head east out of the moongate and it is the first house to the north. Feel free to stop by and take all the pics you like.

The event was different. The items were locked down inside of chests and could not be removed. Then at some point the EMs unlocked them and they could be picked up. All that I saw were labeled "valorite Bullion" But I did not see all 12.


The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Np Gheed,
I was not offended. I thought it was a fun way to respond to your little remark of my wording.

I will check out your valorite bullion ,thank you.

The Scandinavian

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have now checked your valoite bullion.
And its exactly the same pixels as my 5tack pile of ingots that is labeled "iron ingots".

Seller of "iron ingots" said it was a chessy event item so my guess is that not all 12 was labeled "valorite ingots".

Or what do all experts Think?

The Scandinavian


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have now checked your valoite bullion.
And its exactly the same pixels as my 5tack pile of ingots that is labeled "iron ingots".

Seller of "iron ingots" said it was a chessy event item so my guess is that not all 12 was labeled "valorite ingots".

Or what do all experts Think?
Did you not read what I said?
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The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I first thought that you meant that item were labeled "valorite bullion" or not labeled at all.

But now when I think about it I guess that all 5stack ingots have iron ingots(same as the server birth) as "start name" when item is created.
Or whatever it is called. Im sure you all understand what I mean.

EM forgot to change the name on at least one of the items.
That would make the "iron ingots" labeled item more rare than the ones labeled "valorite bullion".

I guess its rare that the same EM item have two different labels.

The Scandinavian


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they had a glitch during the event because they werent able to be stolen so he had to pull them and rename them but only some of them. This was prior to Mesanna's rules about making all items. Back in the older days EM could make certain items from their powers and only special hued items and unique graphics came from Mesanna.