With all respect Tjalle, rules can be changed if circumstances ask for them. He, she, whoever, you can't tell.
I mean, if the "riddle" is solved literally just after it was given out there is something dodgy. The person in charge of this event can/could/should consider then to postbone at least (!) the release of the reward. The person could have noted down the unique number of that character (there is one, yes), ask for an email-adress, etc etc to check back and give the item on a later time.
If rules are followed blindly I don't need a human being for this job... computers can do this better, faster and cheaper.
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i don't think it was a dev at all. if it was a real person, why not answer kayne, when he asked twice whether we could enter as groups? especially after asking if we had any questions. adida was a bot, not a dev. a real person couldn't act that daft. could they?