Traveling all over the lands, searching for a tiny piece of evidence that not all the holidays had been stolen by the evil elves that had struck the Kingdom during the Christmas Season, she came to Britain as the last stop and sat upon a bench by the city's bank and sighed. She had found nothing, not one leaf not even a petal of the celebrated bouquet of roses that was whispered about thoughout the lands. Perhaps the evil elves had indeed stolen all the holidays or hidden them in yet undisclosed places. Perhaps there would be yet another battle coming that would set the world of holidays to rights... She waited silently and watched...
The day was slowly coming to an end, darkness creeping into every nook and crack on the cobble path. Many of the city's inhabitants seemed to give up hope as they made their way toward their homes, a hint of sadness in their sleep filled eyes. Her own eyes filled with dread as she watched wondering why holidays seemed to have been lost. She stood and walked toward her mount and swiftly mounted, dug in her heals to it side and galloped away intent on finding the happiness which once inhabited the lands. A whispered prayer given that the world would return to the joyful past...where laughter and happiness filled everyone's hearts on this happy day.
(Happy Valentine's Day Legends Friends and Loved Ones are what is importantand we all Have That !)