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[Selling] Val Runic Armor ATL


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are some pieces I've just burned, make offers please, if interested:

Verite Platemail Mempos,gorgets, all mage armor

MI 8 MR2 Luck 88 22-8-5-9-21
SR5 RPD 14 10-20-23-21-6
MR2 night site RPD15 24-6-21-10-5
HPI5 MI7 Luck 86 LRC 19 10-8-6-9-18
SR5 SI7 MR2 23-10-6-8-20
HPR2 RPD15 25-8-20-9-18
SR5 MR2 Luck 85 11-7-22-8-18
SR4 night site Luck 98 LMC7 LRC18 11-7-6-9-5
Luck 96 LMC 8 23-8-5-23-21
SI7 MR2 RPD14 11-22-20-8-4
SR5 SI7 MI7 Night site 10-9-8-22-4
SR5 SI7 LRC20 23-8-6-7-4
HPI5 MI5 MR2 Luck93 LRC17 9-10-4-10-5
SI7 MI7 LRC18 22-6-21-9-9
(horned) MR2 LUCK53 13-24-7-18-9

Verite Hiro Sode,arms, all mage armor

HPR2 LMC7 LRC18 9-23-8-7-19
MR2 Luck 96 LMC 8 10-23-21-7-5
SI7 Luck 100 RPD14 LMC8 9-10-21-8-4
HPI5 SI7 27-8-5-22-20
SR4 SI7 RPD15 22-23-7-7-5
HPI5 MI8 Night site RPD14 LMC7 12-8-5-8-5
SI7 MR2 LMC7 25-7-7-9-19
HPI5 MI7 Luck 85 LMC7 25-10-6-6-6
HPI5 SI7 Night site 23-23-5-10-6

Verite Haidate, Legs, all mage armor

SI7 HPR2 MR2 LRC19 10-21-4-8-8
HPI4 MR2 Luck94 10-24-4-10-4
HPI4 MI7 Luck89 RPD14 LMC7 10-10-7-7-4
SR5 HPR2 Night site 10-23-19-9-6