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Upgrading problems?



So I went to the EA store, and got the SA upgrade. I follow the instructions, but after I type in the code, and then hit the accept the user agreement it goes real slow then just goes away??? :wall:

I get the infamous "Internet cannot display webpage." page.

Warsong of LS

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
you going to have to call them at 1-866-543-5435 they are in California, USA on Pacific time. I was told it was aproblem on my end. I am using windows explorer, some people say by changing your browser (firefox, chrome, whatever) you can get it to work. I figured it was just easier to call.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Least you got the code off the EA Store. I went to finally upgrade 3 accounts tonight, 1st two went smooth as silk. But the next one, blam :cursing:, I hit the button for review order & confirm & it went right past it all (did not even write down the order # since 1st 2 went so smoothly :dunce:). The next words I see are, "Thank you for your purchase. You will be sent an e-mail with your order details at the address provided" !!!!.... It is now 3.5 hrs later & no 3rd email with SA Upg code or promo codes :fight:. 1st two were received fine but not #3. Called my Credit Card Company to see if it had been charged the 3rd $29.99 by EA & it had been. Sent EA Store an email :wall: advising them my problem on the order. Waits to hear now.

BTW I was using Firefox


I downloaded firefox, and that fixed the problem. In fact it took MAYBE 5 seconds. I spent hours last night trying to get it to work. Thanks.

Tabby Kapak

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Campaign Benefactor
Having the same prob as ivorythorn... Will try the same solution tomorrow, bit late to DL stuff now... But wanted to let u know it wasn't just you. (Will post result if I think of it whether Firefox helps us or not.)