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[Discussion] Update!!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone! First let me offer my sincerest apologies for dropping off and leaving you all hanging. I had a rl work opportunity arise and could not afford to pass it up. During this down time for me, as far as UO goes, I also had my laptop in the shop so I was really out of it. Thanks to everyone for their concern though! It was nice to see the community REALLY DOES care about people and not just pixels!

Now on to rares fest things! I have approximately 2-3 weeks before the Christmas Tree season starts. Let me get in touch with those who have pledged funds and help and we will get the fest set up ASAP. It is fate I think that it falls into the same time as Lineman was originally going to host one and I hope I can count on his help... I am more of just saying okay we need to do this and am willing to do whatever to get it done.

Thanks and I will keep everyone updated as things develop. Should go rather quickly this time so be prepared!

Sincerely and with much love to the rares community,

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Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hooray! Glad to hear you're okay! Hooray for raresfest too!