Quick Update
Aha! Chaos! I noticed a thread asking where I've gone and disappeared to. Sorry about that! Sounds like a good opportunity for a general update, neh?
How's it going?
We're right in the middle of finishing up Pub 53 and gearing up for Pub 54 (admittedly a much more ambitious task), so the dev team's been pretty nose to the grinder lately. Don't worry, there's lots to talk about, especially with upcoming events.
Speaking of, I'm also working with the "Council of War" private focus group, and can't believe how quickly things are flying together. We're going to start privately testing some things soon, so don't be surprised if a shard appears on the login list you've never seen before, and you can't play on.
Pub 53/54
The main thing to know is that we've actually split the original 53 into two pieces: 53 contains the second half of rewards, and some pretty exciting events, and 54 is slated for the actual War.
If you don't see some things in 53 you thought would be there, it's slated for 54 (Towncrier hookup to Sherry the Mouse statue, for example, since the town crier update is in 54).
So! The main message here is that: a) I'm totally alive, and so is our team, b) We're working like crazy, c) Just on UO!