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Update from HOC

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
We talked about the next few months as Summer is soon upon us.
We set up a tentative schedule. Please note that these times are flexible.
Thursday events are at 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET
HOC is at 5 PT 6 MT 7 CT 8 ET
May 2 ( Event complete) Find the Alembics before Natasha can use them
May 3 HOC ( Summary follows)
May 9th Guard inspection
May 16 Sleuthing discovering the reason D’Kettling Greystone performs his ritual
May 19 (Sunday Afternoon) Lubku explores Ter Mur
May 23 No Event or Activity (See May 19)
May 30 Sleuth training
June 6 ‘D’Kettling story
June 7 HOC (8ET 5 PT)
June 16 Lubku Ter Mur exploration
June 27 – July 4 Spring Summer Festivities We will be filling the zoo, Archery contest, Pie fight,boat regatta etc.
July 5 (8ET,5 PT) HOC
please feel free to contact me through the web page if you have anything to add.

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