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(Player Event) Upcoming Magincia Events List

  • Thread starter LynneOfMagincia
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


It's time for Magincia to get busy once more.

May 14, Monday: Net Toss and Scalis- 7PST/10EST and we Meet at the Gazebo

May 15, Tuesday: Mining Night- 6PST/9EST and we meet at the Gazebo

May 16, Wednesday: Demon Digging with Cecilie (T-mapping level 6's)

May 18, Friday: Tavern Night at the Sea Witch

May 21, Monday: Magincia Celebration- 1 year of rebirth, Meet at the Magincia Dock Welcome sign.
(More Info to come)

May 22, Tuesday: Mining Night, Meet at the Gazebo.

May 23, Wednesday: Demon Digging With Cecilie (T-Mapping Level 6's)

May 25, Friday: Tavern Night at the Sea Witch

(If possible we will be throwing in a Corgul or two.. but that is still to be determined)


Postponed until further notice. At that time a new schedule will be written and distributed.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

In comparison?

Cartel Event Night Schedule List

May 14, Monday: Nothing

May 15, Tuesday: Nothing

May 16, Wednesday: Nothing

May 18, Friday: Nothing

May 21, Monday: Nothing

May 22, Tuesday: Nothing

May 23, Wednesday: Nothing

May 25, Friday: Nothing


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
alenikas events:

May 14, Monday: eat and drink to much, spend all night squat in ditch moaning "why why"

May 15, Tuesday: recover from such

May 16, Wednesday: say hallo to peple

May 17, Thursday: nothing

May 18, Friday: nothing

May 21, Monday: consider drawing ponees

May 22, Tuesday: dont draw ponees

May 23, Wednesday: nothing

May 24, Thursday: sit on bed, be blob


take your time i am sure your events are very good and everybody loves such when they hapen


Friday Night- May 25th: Tavern at the Sea Witch 8PST

Monday- May 28th Corgul: Meet at the Magincia Docks 7PST

Wed.- May 30th: Mapping with Cecilie, meet at West Britain Bank 7PST

Friday- June 1st: Tavern at the Sea Witch 8PST

Monday June 4th: Magincia Rebirth Celebration

Periodically we will be adding to this.. so please watch for further additions.


It didn't occur to me when I did this.. that today was Memorial Day.. Thus we will postpone our hunt until tomorrow night!!!