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Grand Poobah
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Grand Poobah
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well as you know I did not attend the meeting schedule for the 26th. Did anyone get notes on that meeting, what was asked????


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I was there! Geesh :/

Was super busy yesterday and I just got home from getting my second Covid Vaccination YAY! So I am working on it now.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I was there! Geesh :/

Was super busy yesterday and I just got home from getting my second Covid Vaccination YAY! So I am working on it now.
if it goes for you like it did for everyone that I know that got the 2nd shot, you'll be feeling like crap in 3, 2, . . .


I Hate Skilling
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2nd one had a lot fewer symptoms for us and the pain was gone in 2 days.
But first one only made us have a slight headache and pain in arm if you touched it. The arm pain lasted 4 days for me on first one.

They say young people feel both of them more.

But it's worth it to get that second software upgrade.

Govt wants you to live forever so they can get more taxes so the upgrade energizes the little robots that clean up toxins.


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My first shot I was just a little sleepy, today I feel like I want to sleep for a week lol. No other symptoms...YET (crosses fingers) but I am just REALLY REALLY tired so I hope that's the worst of it!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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My first shot I was just a little sleepy, today I feel like I want to sleep for a week lol. No other symptoms...YET (crosses fingers) but I am just REALLY REALLY tired so I hope that's the worst of it!
I was only super tired that first day of the second shot... got a bit queezy... but other than that the injection site was a little sore for a few days but nothing bad.


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I had nothing from my first Moderna shot, but after my second I did basically sleep for a day. Of course I rarely get a good nights sleep so it might have been catch up, and my girl friend took care of everything so I didn't really need to be awake. That being said well worth it to not have to worry about my people and be able to go out and do things.


I Hate Skilling
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Ya a sore arm and a headache beats a intubation and a ventilator.


Stratics Veteran
My first shot I was just a little sleepy, today I feel like I want to sleep for a week lol. No other symptoms...YET (crosses fingers) but I am just REALLY REALLY tired so I hope that's the worst of it!
First shot was no effect. Second was some pain in the shot area for a couple days, but that's all. I was advised ahead of time to be well hydrated for the second shot, so I think that has something to do with what/severity of reactions you get.

I had the Moderna stuff.


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I had moderna too and I drank like a gallon of water that morning lol so maybe....my kids were out the whole next day..body aches, nausea, stomach aches, fever..I felt so bad :( They had the Pfizer shot.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I was told to take 2 Tylenol before getting the shots. Which I did... I also got the Moderna Vaccine. Far as I am concerned the vaccine is a thousand times better than actually having or getting Covid... the issues a lot of people are having months after covid... are bad too... I know my daughter still has taste issues months afterwards...

Tina Small

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Had a very slightly sore arm for a few hours after the first shot. Got the second shot at 1:15 in the afternoon. A few hours later, the arm with the shot was a little sore, nothing unbearable. Went to bed at normal time and slept until 10:30 the next morning. My lower back was a little stiff and sore, but not bad enough to even want to take Tylenol for it. Made sure to drink lots of water. By night time, I felt completely fine, other than being more tired than usual. And that was it. No fever, no headache. My husband's reaction was similar. He was just sleepy and needed a nap the day after the second shot. We both had the Moderna vaccine.

My 8 year old grandson had a cough this week. It was a blessing to be able to take him to get tested for COVID and take care of him for a few days while we waited for the test results without freaking out about catching COVID from him. We both kept masks on and stayed away from each other, of course, just in case. Test came back negative in 1.5 days and he's back at school now. We suspect it's just allergies. All the flowering trees are in full bloom all around us and his coughing was sporadic and he had no other real symptoms. If I hadn't been fully vaccinated, I would have been leery about being around him so much while he was coughing.
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Amber Witch

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Pete got the Pfizer, I got the Moderna. Neither of us had any issues other than the normal sore arm after getting the usual yearly flu vaccine. As both of us have been medics in our past we're the go to people in our families when someone gets sick or injured so I feel much less at risk if I need to go tend to someone. Being an old fart and type 2 it's nice to know I'm taking less of a risk when I'm care giving.

My 39 year old son had no issues with the Moderna but my 92 year old mom felt terribly sick for a day when she got her first Pfizer and decided to forego her second shot. She lives independently, strong willed and very much her own woman. We shall respect her decision and support her in her wishes for herself.


I Hate Skilling
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I was told to take 2 Tylenol before getting the shots. Which I did... I also got the Moderna Vaccine. Far as I am concerned the vaccine is a thousand times better than actually having or getting Covid... the issues a lot of people are having months after covid... are bad too... I know my daughter still has taste issues months afterwards...
One of my Sister in laws got it in June. Her taste is messed up. She is a big girl but had lost over 100 lbs before she got it. Now that the only thing that does not taste like motor oil is ice cream she has gained that back. Her taste is still messed up but she can taste more things.

Angel of Sonoma

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i was hospitalized in mid-November and contracted covid 9 days after being admitted. i'm a long hauler. months later i am still dealing with symptoms from covid.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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One of my Sister in laws got it in June. Her taste is messed up. She is a big girl but had lost over 100 lbs before she got it. Now that the only thing that does not taste like motor oil is ice cream she has gained that back. Her taste is still messed up but she can taste more things.
Yeah, my Daughter said the stuff she used to enjoy and like, just taste like licking metal... she hates it. She waited months to even taste anything again and now things taste terrible to her. That would probably be the death of me. I can't stand the taste of metal. I think she got it back in October. She's still struggling.

And yeah I still work in healthcare. I work every single weekend in a rural hospital as a Medical Laboratory Technician... I see the effects of Covid every day... its been wearing on me this last year has been really rough. Just took 2 weeks off and I am still exhausted. Came right back into the thick of things again with another busy night and more covid patients. Seems there is another wave of positive tests despite the number of people being vaccinated. I was talking to one of my ex-coworkers who retired about 5 years ago. I wish I was that lucky. I still have another 10 to 15 years to go, if I can make it that long.