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[Treasure Hunting] Upcoming changes to Treasure Chests' loot ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I heard that with the upcoming patch there will be changes to treasure chests' loot included.

Anyone knows what this changes will be ?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
As far as I know, we will find refinement ingredientes at the chests after the new publish hits prodo.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As far as I know, we will find refinement ingredientes at the chests after the new publish hits prodo.
Thanks, are the details known ? Like how many and in what level chests ? Also in fished up chests ?

No other changes are planned ?

Kelly O'Brian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
http://www.uo.com/Publish-81-Notes :

6 sources, [for 3 armor groupes (metal, leather, wood) each], 2 versions each based on method, 5 intensities each
Armor Refinement
Phase two of the Armor Revamp will allow players to apply Refinements to non-medable armor.
Armor Refinements are crafted from refinement components that can be collected from:

Treasure Maps
MiB Chests
Merchant Vessels
Pirate Vessels
Town shop container stealables
Champion Spawn Bosses

There are two methods of refining armor:
  • Reinforced - Increase max individual resist while lowering max defense chance increase by two.
  • Deflecting - Decrease max individual resist while increasing max defense chance increase by two.
Refinement Component Levels:
  • Invulnerability - Applies four modifications with a chance to apply five modifications.
  • Fortification - Applies three modifications with a chance to apply four modifications.
  • Hardening - Applies two modifications with a chance to apply three modifications.
  • Protection - Applies one modification with a chance to apply two modifications.
  • Defense - Applies one modification.
No further Infos known to me so far.
I would be glad, if you copy your treasure hunter to the test shard TC1 via the help Option, fetch some of the mibs/treasure maps stored in your test bank box, dig/pull up some treasure....
and finally share your results here. ;)
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