Prince Caspian
Why do you think Ultima Online has lasted so long while so many of its contemporaries have gone to that great logout screen in the sky?
This and the versatility of the game. You arent forced into PVP, you arent forced into PVM. You could sit on a crafter all day long if that is what you are into. No other game that i know of offers that much versitility.large corporate backing, relatively small cost to run, steady subscription numbers fueling predictable profit margins.
yepI very much agree with NuSair. This game is unique in a way that not even wow can touch.
In over ten years, NO mmo has managed to do houses or boats or mounts the same way UO has. Not to mention the medium that allows rp, pvp, pvm, economy, etc.
Now on top of that Add the skill system, which allows for the combination of workable abilities that both compliment and contrast each other with the freedom of changing a character's path at any time. Something the flawed leveling system that 99 percent of MMO's still cling to cannot allow. Level 70 and you want to try something else? Too bad, make a new character.
Last but certainly not least: History.
Ultima is one of the FEW..that did not just pop out of thin air. In 1980 Richard Garriot created and released akalabeth, and from that moment forward the story that his propelled the universe in which we live and breath has grown wide and deep. Almost 30 years of game history. THIRTY YEARS.
There has never and will never be a one hour back story Write up on an mmo website that will ever have anything on that of the Avatar, Lord British, Lord Blackthorn, etc.
To put it simply.
Most mmos give you a game to play, they tell you what to do and you do it.
They give us a world. Our part in it is up to us.
Because even after all these years, there's a large amount of UO I've yet to experience. That depth of play will keep players busy for a long, long time.Why do you think Ultima Online has lasted so long while so many of its contemporaries have gone to that great logout screen in the sky?