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(Player Event) UORadio's Find the DJ and Deal or No Deal UO Style on Napa Valley July 20, 2024 / SHOW #711


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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The secret phrase you should list on page 9 of your sign in book for Deal or No Deal is

“Ultima Online, Play For Free Now! (tell a friend)”
If your book is revealed when the 100 Gold book shows and you have this phrase on page 9

you will win 5 Million UO GOLD instead of 2 Million UO GOLD!

Doing Deal or no Deal UO Style for over 17 years!!!
That’s RIGHT!!! On June 17, 2007 We here at UO Radio
did our 1st Deal or no Deal Show on Chesapeake.
This is and always has been a Free Community Event
for new and old players alike!!!

All Shards are welcome!! And winnings are paid to your favorite shard.
(Siege Perilous is only paid on Valentines Day and Halloween Shows
and if you pick Siege Perilous for your winnings for these two shows
It will be paid at 5% of what the production shards would be paid out
on winning UO GOLD)

Simply Hand in a book with your info and join in the fun!!

NO CHARGE WHAT SO EVER!!!! Possibly win millions and if not
picked as contestant there are many chances to win a door
prize or a chance to double dip which can be in the millions!

FIND THE DJ @6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific
DEAL OR NO DEAL UO Style 7PM Eastern
4PM Pacific ON UORad.com.

Time to refresh your inner spirit!! Listen to a regeneration
hour of music every Sunday morning @ 8:00 AM Eastern
5:00 AM Pacific. DJ Matthew will be on air during this show
and will answer any of your spiritual questions in our
message center at UORad.com. Or use our Discord on the
UO Radio Server. He is there to refresh your spirt!
He also holds a special service in game on the
Lake Austin Shard every Sunday at 9:30 PM Eastern
(6:30 PM Pacific) in the Northwest Corner of Luna
(inner track look for the cross on the roof)
This is a Meet and Greet that will give you a chance to
meet other players and help with any spiritual questions
they (or you) may have. Also ask about the Paladin Guild
on Lake Austin. This Guild is there to help any players
(good or bad) to advance to a higher level. Good Deeds
develop great players!!


Look for Secret Letters in Stratics Shard Forums
and also at times a
Secret Phrase to post on Page 9 of your Deal or no Deal

Follow us on UORad.com 24/7, 24 hours a day. We play
great tunes with auto DJ but would like to see you step-up
and become a DJ with our station. You can do a one hour show
every week or up to 5 shows a week. This can and will support
your shard. You can also broadcast your guild events yourself!
Our very own DJ Darkwolf will train you.

Always check for a secret letter on Stratics Shard Forums
for the secret word or words!
If you don’t see a secret letter or words on a forum post that means
search other shards for clues. We give away millions in UO
gold to the first five players who yell out the secret word
when Howie SandManDel asks “what is the secret word (words)”

Please read and post on your favorite shard forum on Stratics.com
About Find the DJ, Deal or no Deal UO Style and UO Radio

THIS Show is over 700 SHOWS!!!
The Grand Prize for this week is 200 million UO GOLD
Plus there is millions in UO GOLD DOOR PRIZES!!

Deal or No Deal UO Style has always been free to play and all
UO GOLD winnings has been delivered for free to your favorite
Shard. (You can only collect Siege GOLD for the Valentine
and Halloween Shows and it will be at a 5% level compared
to production shards)

Please let us know here on Stratics your thoughts on our
Game Shows. Your input is very important to us.

The Secret Letter for Great Lakes"N"

On our web site UORAD.COM, we have a link
"BECOME A DJ"!! If you wish to help our station, do fill out
the application and also contact us in game. We are also looking
for support staff to support our DJs during an event,
we are also looking for producers to help in recording shorts
for our sponsors and friends and we need DJs
that want to bring good clean music on air for the listening
pleasure for those who love playing ULTIMA ONLINE!!

Check out the Event Calendar for all the EM events that will be running
at UO.COM. The Event Calendar is under the "Community" tab

We here at UO Radio want to thank our listeners,
the “Crowd Funders” and the Management of Stratics for being our sponsors!!

#711 July 20 Napa Valley (Moved here from June 15, 2024)
#714 August 10 Sonoma
#715 August 24 Atlantic
#716 September 7 Baja
#717 September 21 Catskills
#718 October 5 Chesapeake
#719 October 26 Siege Perilous Halloween Party
#720 November 9 Great Lakes
#721 November 23 Lake Austin
#722 December 7 Lake Superior
#723 December 21 Legends
#724 January 4 Napa Valley
#725 January 25 Origin
#726 February 8 Siege Perilous Valentine’s Day Party
#727 February 22 Pacific
#728 March 8 Sonoma
#729 March 22 Atlantic
#730 April 5 Baja
#731 April 26 Catskills
#732 May 10 Chesapeake
#733 May 31 Great Lakes
#734 June 14 Lake Austin
#735 June 28 Lake Superior
#736 July 12 Legends
#737 July 26 Napa Valley
#738 August 9 Origin
#739 August 23 Pacific
#740 September 6 Sonoma
#741 September 20 Atlantic
#742 October 4 Baja
#743 November 1 Siege Perilous Halloween Party
#744 November 15 Catskills
#745 December 6 Catskills
#746 December 20 Chesapeake
#747 January 3 Great Lakes
#748 January 24 Lake Austin
#749 February 14 Siege Perilous Valentine’s Day Party January 24 Lake Superior
#750 February 28 Lake Superior


Ceaders Restaurant, Tulalip Resort Casino, August 1, 2023.png

Who will do the next meet up and make sure you send us a picture