Free Community Event!! NO CHARGE WHAT SO EVER!!!
For new and old players alike. Deal or No Deal UO Style is weekly.
Logging Trees? Mining for the rare ores? Or are you fishing hoping to pull
up that rare treasure? Take a fun brake with UO Radio's Weekend fun!!! UORad.com
Next Find the DJ and Deal or no Deal shows:
Atlantic May 7, 2022
Baja May 14, 2022
Catskills May 21,2022
Listen on air at UORad.com to DJ Matthew Every Sunday Morning @ 8:00 AM Eastern
for Tunes to relax by as well as in game on the Lake Austin Shard every Sunday at
9:30 PM Eastern (6:30 PM Pacific) in the North West Corner of Luna
He will conduct a Sunday Meet and Greet that will be your chance to ask
any questions on any thoughts you may have. This is a GREAT way for
gamers to personally connect with any of their meditation thoughts or questions.
Follow us on UORad.com to see our events schedule.
One of the letters for the secret words is "c"
Check out Stratics.com for all your UO information and or
Stratics Community Forums to check out your shard information.
We have been broadcasting Deal or no Deal UO Style for the
community for 14 years plus now. This coming June 17, 2022 will be 15 years!!!
The Grand Prize is now 200 million UO GOLD, plus there is Millions in door prizes!
Deal or no Deal has always been free to play and all UO GOLD winnings has always
been delivered for free to your favorite shard.
We are also looking for support staff for each shard.
We are also looking for producers and DJ's for UO Radio. Go to our web site
UORad.com and click the Become a DJ to fill out an application!!
We here at UO Radio want to thank the "Crowd Funders" and the Management of Stratics for
being our Sponsor!!