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UOLedger.com 2.0 - A Sneak Peak!



Over the past few months I have been unable to update UOLedger.com as much as I'd like, but I am pleased to announce that the site will return to FULL swing on or before June 1, 2009.

During its first run, UOLedger received over 1,000,000 hits in three months and was a news source for all of Ultima Online and its players. Now, ready for its second and best-ever run, UOLedger is undergoing a complete renovation to make the site easier to read, use, and manage. I'm currently putting the last touches on the ground-up revamp and will be done soon.

Here is a sneak peak of the up and coming UOLedger '2.0':

(image link: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/4173/sneakpeak.jpg)

The sneak peak image is small, but intentionally. But trust me, the site is awesome!

For those unfamiliar, The Ultima Online Ledger is not a typical UO news site. Rather, we provide live and breaking news 24/7 similar to how CNN.com operates. Whether there is a server crash on Europa, a PvP tournament on Great Lakes, or a sudden EM event on Atlantic, we've got you covered.

TONS of features are coming to make UOLedger.com your one-stop all-inclusive UO community site. Three words: News, shop, community. It's what we're all about!

Thanks and I look forward to seeing UO players enjoy the new and completely renovated site in the very near future.

Bookmark now!!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well done! This looks very promising. I'm very anxious to see what all you guys elect to cover hour by hour.


Thanks all :)

The site is just about finished-- making a few minor adjustments to the overall aesthetics and such but the content is all ready to go.. looking at a tentative launch of tonight or tomorrow pending my ridiculously shoddy connection to Ultima Online's servers (for information, please see http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=142652).

I can't wait myself! Once the site launches I will also be more than open to suggestions. Hopefully those of you who made use of UOLedger.com back in 2008 will appreciate what has changed in the all-new UOLedger.

Until soon, hasta!